Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Goodbye Gman

I wanted to let the blogging world know that Galen passed away this morning. While I knew him well in the real world,  I don't have any details. He was doing wonderfully the last time we spoke. I know he would want me to update his blog as that was his first thought when he was ill last time. He was always thinking of you all.

He made everyone he met feel like the most important person in the world. He was smarter than most but never talked down to anyone. Heaven will be a brighter place with you in it.

Below is a picture taken in the Detroit airport in 2007 with Lime, Gman, Roxi Moon ( front) and myself (Signgurl).



Brian Miller said...

someone called me this evening to let me know...they had seen it on facebook...it is a sad day indeed...he will be missed...

thanks for letting everyone know.

Mary said...

Oh, I am stunned and so saddened. He was such a kind and humorous man. I will miss him in the blogosphere. What a loss!

Gabriella said...

This is indeed a sad day! Your endearing personality will be dearly missed, Galen.

Helen said...

No, no, no, no ~ this is incredibly sad. I will miss knowing he graces our world with his presence. Words fail me right now .....

Helen said...

Have a kick-ass weekend will never seem the same ~ never.

hedgewitch said...

So very sad to hear this--he was one of a kind, a true bright light.

author.nara.malone said...

So broken-hearted. You will be missed, G. :(

Cloudia said...

A very real loss to our community.
Condolences to his "real life" family and friends-

a final ALOHA from Honolulu, G-Man

Alice Audrey said...

Heaven may be brighter, but Earth is considerably darker now. I will miss him. He had a way of making the people he only knew online feel special, too.

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

His absence was already missed, but we had looked forward to his return. Now, no more. I'm deeply saddened, but grateful for the update and all the fun times.

Unknown said...

Wow I never knew in person but through the bloggie world he was a kind and very humorous person.
RIP GMAN and prayers to your "real friends and family" Heaven received an angel.

Anonymous said...

damn. a finer man will not be found. ~

the walking man said...

I woke this morning with a tear in my eye. Thoughts of, Mr, Know It All has died. That this weak mortal body, can hold such a generous soul, was in him exemplified. Now kicking ass in the place where the good wake when they have come to this life’s end. Rest well my friend.

the walking man said...

Just as an update--a co worker said that Galen was at work and a heart attack took him from this place.

Anonymous said...

R.I.P Galen and kick arse in the Universe.
The third person that has left our earthly coil from those I knew even briefly on WP.
A sad sad day, condolences to his family.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Oh...no. No no no. I'm so sad. He did make all of us special. He made my Fridays for several years. And I felt like I knew him. We never got to have that cup of coffee... Thank you for letting us know and my sincere condolences to all of his family. Crying.

Myrna R. said...

This is such sad news. Galen was always so genuine, so welcoming and kind. All this came through his blogging words.
I will miss him and send my condolences to you and his family. Thank you for letting us know.

Fireblossom said...

Galen will be missed by all. What a shock. Thanks for letting us know.

Roxi said...

I am so sad. :(

Marian said...

So sorry to hear, and so sorry for this great loss for Galen's family and friends near and far. Sending warm wishes.

GAB said...

Aww no! He will be truly missed by so many. Will miss you G-man

Margaret said...

What a special man. His wit, his knowledge, his humility is unsurpassed and will most surely be missed. Just thinking of Galen put a smile on my face and I will surely miss him. Have a Kick Ass Heaven, dearest Galen.

Kerry O'Connor said...

It takes a very special kind of person to touch the hearts and minds of people from all walks of life and all parts of the world. Galen had a gift which he was generous enough to share with so many. I am so sad to hear of his sudden passing. What a loss.

Condolences to family and friends.

hedgewitch said...

Thanks, Mark, for passing on the when and how. I hope I can go as quickly when it's my time, but selfishly I wish he could have stayed with us for a few more years with his own brand of style and generosity.

Mona said...

I am shell shocked! To think I just came in to wish him a happy birthday...ironically it is...another birth...

Maude Lynn said...

Galen really did make everyone feel special. He will be missed so much.

Grace said...

My deepest condolences to the family ~ I miss his kindness and humor ~

Thanks for letting us know ~

Laura said...

Dear dear man, you made us laugh and offered kindness each time we connected. May your memory be for blessing for your beloved family and your many friends.

Jillie said...

I'm just heart broken and still in disbelief! A one of a kind TRUE friend that will be missed by many.

lime said...

i am utterly broken-hearted. rest in peace my beloved friend. god, i miss you.

Katherine Krige said...

I heard of Galen's passing on Facebook. And just a day later saw it was his birthday. I'm sure he could have written a witty 55-word zinger for that, but...

there is a voice missing in the blogosphere and the world is less jovial without it. Go well G-Man

TALON said...

I'm in shock. I'm so so sad. I will miss you, Galen. You were always the host with the most, generous, kind, funny, intelligent and witty. I am so glad you got to spend time with your daughter not too long ago and I know how much pain Reese must be in...but I know they know how blessed they were in having you as their father. Hope you catch some big ones up there in the crystalline lakes, Mr. G! While heaven is lucky to have you back, earth is going to mourn.

Shadow said...

I'm stunned, a man full of love for living.. My sincerest condolences to his family and friends.

brudberg said...

So sad news.. I only posted a few of his 55 but it was such a joy to do and really all those kind comment coming back made me enjoy it even better.

steveroni said...

C'mon, G-Man. You have not left us here, You are still around--can "feel" it. You KNOW a lot more now than ever, certainly you're in a position to continue goading, helping, nourishing,, finally gently pushing us over the edge in 55 word--EXACTLY. Rest well, old friend. PEACE. LOVE. Steve E

Anonymous said...

My sincere condolences to G-Man's family. Galen truly made me and everyone feel special. He had a rare gift for lifting everyone up.

PattiKen said...

My heart broke when I heard G-Man was no longer out there in the blogosphere. He was a special man who made everyone welcome on his site. I was honored to call him friend. Rest easy, Galen.

Craig said...

Oh, no. . .

Requiescat in Pace, G. . .

gautami tripathy said...

Very very sad....

Anonymous said...

Very sad to hear this. Thoughts with Galen's family and friends xo

Unknown said...

You gave us a place to play with 55 words and so much more. Galen you brought so many of these people together in friendship.
Thank you and Bless you!

Drew Doyle Storm Snyder Minow said...

have a fabulous holiday,


Bodhirose said...

I'm so saddened to have come across this today. I was just coming by to see what G-Man has been up to and well...I find this news. I so enjoyed his Friday 55s and his sense of humor. Rest in peace my friend.

Jannie Funster said...

I just learned this sad, sad news.

I loved Galen, as so many of us did.

Peace and condolences to you.

LA Nickers said...

So sorry!
Of course, I had to put up one last Flash 55:

Farewell to Mr. Know-It-All

S said...

Riding high in the sky, our Gman! We love you, Galen. Rest well.

Me said...

It's been a couple of years since I've been an active blogger, but I used to participate regularly in the 55. I have no idea what prompted me to log in today...

I was shocked and saddened to read this news. My deepest condolences to Galen's family and friends. xoxo


Anonymous said...

RIP G-man. He always provided such positive feedback and it was a delight to read his humorous 55 worded posts.
Condolences to his family and friends.

RNSANE said...

Funny, how you can grow so fond of someone you never met. I will miss him and the comrades he drew close to him. I appreciate the friends I made through his blog. I hope he raises a little hell in heaven!

Unknown said...

I just logged in to check on Gman after a blogging hiatus. I am so saddened to read of his passing. He made us all feel like a million dollars. He pulled me through some hard times with his jocularity too. Vale to a great mate. Can't think of a better person to hear the news from than you Signgurl. Cazzie from Down Under. xx

Polt said...

I played along with the 55s a few years ago. I'm deeply saddened to find this out. My condolences go out to all his friends and family, both in the bloggy-sphere and in real life.


Linda said...

So sorry to hear this news. I read about it in another comment somewhere. I enjoyed the 55s and reading his witty posts. He put a lot into those 55 words. Heaven's gain is our loss.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Gosh I this came as such a shock! Its so sad.

RIP, G-Man you were an awesome, brilliant dude who always had a come-back.

Lydia said...

I thought of Galen tonight and decided to pay his blog a visit. And found this post. I feel so sad that he is gone. His comments at my blog often heartened me during a difficult time in my life. What a special and smart man he was. My belated condolences to his family and friends.

Unknown said...

This is what happens when you stay away too long, you pop in one day, and discover the world had changed.
And now I am commenter 56.
Vichnaya pamyat.
Eternal be his memory.

Unknown said...

This is what happens when you stay away too long, you pop in one day, and discover the world had changed.
And now I am commenter 56.
Vichnaya pamyat.
Eternal be his memory.

hope said...

I too use to play with Friday 55, but once our charity started, I had to stop some of my activities. I remember the G-man being pleased to hear I'd turned some of those 55 stories into a book for my own enjoyment...because he had such a big part in it. I recently did the same with a blog story about the MIA bracelet I wore as a child...turned it into a book. I was just dropping by to thank the G-man for always encouraging me to play and have fun. I am stunned.

I hope his family realizes how much we appreciated him allowing us to play on the playground of words he built.

Someone is Special said...

G-Man, the man behind my love for writing 55-Fiction. When I came to know about this news, I felt empty. I am publishing 55-Fiction every Friday starting today as a Tribute to G-Man. Join me if you guys like to!

Someone is Special

jozien said...

Thank you for this.

cathy said...

I haven't been blogging for so long. I just stopped by for a trip down memory lane. So sorry that Galen is no longer with us RIP G-MAN.

Anneke Sergio said...


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Linda said...

I hope that there is someone out there who could delete the spam comments from this post. This is a memorial. Please show some respect and do not leave your spam comments here.

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Linda said...

If there is someone out there who has the ability to delete comments I wish they would delete the spam comments on this post. This is extremely disrespectful.