Stubborn Green-Headed guardian of your sturdy bloodline.
Drake was dead-set against this busy spot to hatch his legacy,
but she would not be swayed!
Once, twice, THREE times the angry upright flightless ones destroyed the nest.
Then...In a blink of an eye, the egg was laid!
The Hen thought...( Fuack You! )
All this Drama happened yesterday at our front entrance.
We tried to hint to the Mallard pair that they should move their nest to safer and wetter territory. But when our back was turned for 5 minutes...BINGO!!!
She laid one egg in the dirt!
This morning, she had rebuilt the nest and was sitting on TWO eggs.
In my experience with ducks, she will probably lay 6 or 7 MORE.
I'm leaving tomorrow at noon for a long week-end, and I'll be on the road for 10 hours or more. So consider this 2 posts in one...
My Thursday Portrait...AND My Friday Flash 55.
If you are reading this Thursday Night or Friday, please remember...
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55, please come tell the G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!
So from the most gracious host, from coast to coast...
Have a GREAT Week-End!!!!
Bizness as usual, I'll have my lap-top.