Hi Everybody....
Something very distressing happened to me yesterday.
My FaceBook account was HACKED by some weight-loss
pill advertiser. My picture popped up and a link was sent!
For those of you that are my'Friends', I'm sorry for any
inconvenience. And let me add that I would NEVER send a
link to anyone. I changed my password!!
All this angst made me want a cold beer!
I went to Kroger, but I had a hard time choosing which brand
to buy. Hmmmmmmmm.
Which brand do you think I bought?
And that reminds me of something, but I just can't remember...
One of my friends on twitter had the same thing happen--it was advertising a facebook app with his account. The sharks are circling the social network sea of opportunity, apparently.
Which beer? Well, it has to be Miller Lite, right? ;-)
looks like it got susie too. hope you have no more problems with it now.
Damn, that's scary! Another reason for me to stay away from facebook.
I don't do Facebook, but I can only imagine how irritating that is and a very good reason to crack a cold one...though I'm thinking it wasn't a Canadian (Molson) ;)
kinda looks like te kroger 55 urge got cha
You can get me A Perfect kissThanks for your comments and your visiting
ugh...sorry...had a friend that had this happen the other day...happening more and more..save me one of those 55s...or i might just bring my own tomorrow...smiles.
Glad you got it sorted G. I feel for you. My email was hacked once and it made me feel sick to my stomach.
damn hackers!!!!!!
PBR You just seem like a PBR or Schlitz kinda guy. hahahahah
Yeah, but I wanna know... how much weight DID you lose using those pills? LOL! (SO glad I don't use Facebook!)
fb a love/hate relationship. Strange Brew. See you tomorrow.
What a bummer! I hope it's sorted now for you G.
So which beer did you choose?? As if I didn't know. ;)
See you tomorrow. x
Sorry about the FB thing. I really didn't know that could happen. I thought that with a "friends only" security setting I was good. I guess being careful isn't always enough.
I just KNEW you wouldn't send ME a weight loss link...you are more classy than that!
Love you G-man...no worries. I knew it was fraudulent and simply hit the delete button on both email and FB.
As soon as I seen it I knew it wasnt you. It has happened to me twice so I just deleted it and hoped you didnt get any other problems that I ended up with.
I'm glad you were able to relax before the big day.
what jerks! Anyway, I remember shopping at Kroger as a kid! I used to live in Plymouth.
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