He usually kept his rage under control.
But everyone has their breaking point!
Day in...Day out, it's the same old shit.
A piece of chicken here, some pizza there.
Is your lunch public domain?
Can people NOT read your name?
But it's OK....
Retribution has manifested itself in the form of...
Ex-Lax Brownies!!!
Extra Rich AND Fudgy!!!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man....
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most evil host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
oh my...had a guy do this once at work with dog food sandwich...then he sent out a company wide email...HR was not too happy....
yo i am up!
I guess if people want your s#*t that bad, you might as well give it to them.
My 55 is HERE.
Ex lax brownies - not my favorite
yummy fudge brownies are a 'regular' part of my diet...
Mine is an Adventure
I'd be afraid to kick that ass.
Mine is up
yes the breaking point is near..
governance now is plumbing the depths at http://instantwords.blogspot.com/2011/01/plumbing-depths.html
Well, that'll get 'em going.
Some of the Peeps I know really need 'Ex-Lax' Brownies. (No, I will not tell!)
Mine is HERE
hhhmmmmmmmmmmmm I've heard of x lax brownies before.
You can find mine here
That is EVIL!
Mine will be up in the morning!
What a revenge! Wish I had my own hay tub and didn't have to fight the other goats for my dinner. My human wrote a 55 and posted it here. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2011/01/27/tick-tock-55/
Think of those people that sneak an extra couple of brownies when your not looking... they'll be sorry!
Mine is here:
My 55
I hope that direct link works.
Sorry G if I'm being a shameles hussey - ever heard of "Flashier Fiction in 1359 words better know as 24 installments of 55?
I am entrenched in writing a novel ; I am 55les but would love it if a few of you would be willing to read my first installment of my co-authored fantasy / sci-fi and give me (us) some feedback. The publisher needs to know someone will actually read this.
Quest for Titan
Mmm mmm good!
Woo hoo! 2 weeks in a row... my 55 is here:
You need to let your ghost writer out more often G - just saying
I would be remiss if I didnt thank the host of this motley crew - Spasiba Bolshoi
My very first attempt at FF55. Yours was dark..interesting :)
my 55 is here
I love it! it is freaky Friday, right?
High Five, G-Man!!!
I'm actually up this week too
My 55 is up after a long break!
Thanks for hosting the game. I love it.
G-Man !!! how do you come up with such ideas !!!
Funny yet ewww !
Find my words here
those who know me well, would know better than to even THINK of touching my brownies....
I can see there being a run on that ;-)
You'll find mine here.
Way to lose control...but with 1 in 2 needing a little help in that dept., maybe it's all for the best?
Mine is here: http://thehalfwaypoint.net/2011/01/egypt-offline/
Using sugar-free sweetener works just as well! :)
I'm here.
Now now,
What do I say!
Here is mine:
scooch before you throw a janky conniption fit
Well, they do say "revenge is sweet". Great 55 as always...and it's always a good day when I can start it out with a hearty chuckle!
Mine can be found HERE
another Friday and I'll be eating in this week...thanks for the warning !...key word in your 55, "usually"
Seriously I have seen guys fight over stolen lunches. Not pretty.
On second thought it was pretty funny.
Your 55 is THE SH!T, G-Man! (LOL!)
Here’s mine: The Salesman
My friend's husband was always asking her what she was eating and wanting the same. He soon stopped after she gave him a couple of exlax! LOL
Mine's up.
Oh boy the brownie with a run on sentence! I'm up.
lol man you just kill me sometimes G :-) Have a great weekend, my friend! Here's mine: www.sobernuggets.blogspot.com
I will never look at that product the same way again!
Mine's up...happy weekend!
Now this is funny. :)
And it gives everyone involved something to blog about... if they ever make it out of the bathroom.
Sorry I'm late. I'm sick.
My 55 is here. :)
That'll teach 'em! I'm staying away from your lunch.
Here's mine.
Roses to Rainbows
That is just mean. There is only one kind of drug allowed in brownies.
Stalked By Kermit
I love my brownies, but you've instilled a whole new world of paranoia about eating any public offerings thereof.
I'm playing this week, because I had the foresight and/or bald-headed luck to write a magpie with only 55 words:
Snow Go
I've often wondered what it would look like if the top of someone's head just blew off through frustration - now I know. Ewww!
Ummm...I love brownies, but I think I'll pass this time! :)
My 55: Ladies
That's one way to get back at someone. Here's a way one husband got back at his nagging wife:
I'm so happy for you, Monkey Man, and, of course, I'm sure everyone will understand your time contraints. I tell you, when my 21year nursing position with the city and county of San Francisco ended early two years ago now, it was devastating for me. Retirement, with an income drop of $100,000 a year has meant a major adjustment and there are times I barely make ends meet. I wish I could find another position but, after than length of time in such a speciality ( forensics ), I couldn't step back into another area of nursing - and I'm now 66, with a mobility disability. Good luck with the job!!
My 55 is at:
a little revenge isn't so bad...
- sy
You never cease to amaze me G-man. But I am also amazed that people really do think a frig. with other people's lunch is public domaine! I've had it happen to me personally..but mine is up, and have a rock'n weekend!
What a dirty trick! Pig for brownies that I am, I would really suffer!
Here is my dirty little 55:
the Lady Made Me Shoot Her
That's why I only steal pre-packaged stuff (not really)
This is my first attempt...looked to fun to resist :)
I'm in this week -- find me here http://hisfirefly.blogspot.com/2011/01/unexpected-flight-in-55-words.html
one must do what one must do.
I'm up.
Deer my gee mans,
This reminding me of the ex lax trik in one of my favrit moovees, dum and dummer. Yoo see that moovee?
and I jist helped my Jannie put up she flashing Friday post for yoo. Finalee!
Hmmm...I can think of tastier types of brownies. Back in college we put something else completely different in our brownies, come to think of it. :)
So my laptop made it back to me just in time for me to get in on the FF action! Mine is Here.
And I read your 55 yesterday, but didn't want to comment until I could share a word or two with you. Perhaps you need to buy a freezer pack and keep your lunch out of the lunch room! Some people!! I wrote a 55 for you here.
Oh, well....
My Friday Flash 55
Ooooh I remember those nasty brownies!
meant for greedy, unsuspecting thieves!
I did one on the first picture Brian posted-with all the red!
Galen? Laxatives?
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
k, sorry, but totally craving Pillsbury cookies or cinnamon buns, or anything now after seeing that box of brownies. Is that wrong?
bwahahahaha!!!! excellent idea! i s hall file it away for future use.
Hello All, my first try for Flash 55 is here:
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