Before the War, Gerard owned a business!
His company taught women how to mount and ride bicycles.
Few females rode bikes back then because it was considered
"unlady-like"! Ironically because of the metal shortage, some bikes
were built without the extra support bar.
Thus...The 'Girls Bike' was born, and Gerard's short-lived
profession ended!
I hear that Gerard finally got a job selling womens shoes!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man...
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!
So from the most gracious host from coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Looks like risque business in some of those!
I prefer banana seat bikes myself, with a roll bar and built in beer holders.
I posted a 55whooo-hoooo!!\\xoxo
Gerard had a creepy smile. Quite the HIstoric 55 you created here, G. I am almost speechless.
My 55 is HERE .
Who loves ya, baby?? We ALL do.
Yahtzee and such.
As a cyclist I ride a man's bike (not one with a sissy bar) can't imagine trying to deal with a skirt.
I'm sure more than Gerard got a great view
Retro indeed!
Mine is the End of the Trail
Happy Trails everyone
and thanks G for hosting 55 weeks a year
whoo hoo Jannie way to score
ooh..la la! A sporting 55 G. Alas, my bike sits in the garage with 2 flat tires. Maybe this Spring I'll take it out...but, I ain't wearing any garters! :D
bet gerald enjoyed that job for a time...lol. nice 55 G!
i am in!
what a job! Nice job on the 55, too :) mine is here
Aw, too bad, but I'll bet he enjoyed the job while it lasted ;)
Ballad of East and West
Learn a lot thanks for giving us this.
I'm sharing your great post on facebook.
Coffee is on.
Nice pic and Job G-Man! I am back with 55.. Here is mine, Cry of a Spouse
Someone is Special
That is quite the interesting history lesson! My human's 55 is here.
I did a 55 too, but please be warned that my blog is very family friendly. I'm a G-Goat.
People Please remember...
Flash FICTION 55!!!
Some things might not be totally true!!!
Thats all I'm saying....Galen
That is priceless my friend!It reminds me of a joke that a friend of the family used to tell (about a shoe salesman & helping female clients). That is a joke for another day though. funny 55
Had Gerard been a gentleman, he might have warned the young ladies about proper bike riding attire.:-)
well, looks like his business was too hot to "handle" anyway.
Mine is HERE
Who knew bicycles could be so sexy?
Mine is here
I'll have a tricycle, please.
With extra cushioning. (!)
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
This is my first try. Thanks for letting me take a stab at a new type of writing.
Looks like Gerard had some fun before running out of business.
My 55 is done.
Oh and I've got 55 words up too.
Nice photos G-Man! It was very bad for girls to spread their legs, hence the side saddle. I'm back in the saddle for another FF-55! Thanks for the history lesson behind the sissy bar. TGIF!!!
Good one!
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
Ooh! Lovely story and I love those photographs.
Is that true about the girls bike being a result of the metal shortage?
Happy Friday, Galen.
Mine's here.
That girl, second from last pic? She doesn't look too comfortable...?
I'm in. Mine is Here.
Cheeky Boy G-man! Very risky business this bicycle riding thing!!! It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that the gentlemen responders would have considered this an enjoyable career ... coaching female bicycles riders in the art of bicycle riding... he he he!!
Been awhile since I've been here and have truly missed it .. I like your fifty five Galen. You'll find mine down below.
The Alley
Thanks for reading...
larry This Blog Of Mine
Quite the "Flashy" 55! :)
Let's see if I learned how to direct link...
My 55
Gotta love a good ride.
Funny piece of history there. Great fun. You'll find mine here.
you serious???????? thanks for the smile, have a fab weekend!!!
I bet Gerard absolutely LOVED his job! LOL
Mine's up.
Oh, brother. A business to get into for so much more than just the money. I wonder if he gave discounts...I know nothing about building bikes but you'd think that the "Boy's Bike" would be the one that'd need extra support. A very funny post!
Here's mine: http://thehalfwaypoint.net/2011/01/seize-the-moment/
hahaha if he were a generation older he would have been a doctor and made his living alleviating women of "hysteria". ;-)
Great 55 G. I'm not playing this week but I'm back to blogging. Hopefully I'll be able to blog consistently again.
Hope he staye a long time in that other job!
Here is mine: nutty nuts
Umm Gerard sure got the other job as close to the first one as possible :p
that sure is interesting!
An appeal to your good taste at http://instantwords.blogspot.com/2011/01/time-to-select.html
I hated those garter belts though I know the men folks really liked them!!! You old rogue, you!!
Mine is at:
Damn War!!! I could have had an entirely different career.
Wonder if that's why I don't ride a bike?
Here's something a bit more romantic!
Oh 1 the pics do spoke a lot more :D
Loved it !!
PS : Its been very long time i saw you visit my blog ! Any particular reason G-Man ??
Here's my post : She
that gerard, what an entrepreneur! what a fun set of pictures to spark the imagination. lol.
i'm up late but finally up here
his business went bust...I now offer you all...55
thanks for the venue
Perhaps Gerald went into the porn business later? :)
Mine's up. Happy weekend!
There's another G who really knows how to live!
I'm back and I've got a 55 just for you, right here:
Wow, those are something Mr G!
quite the tale! quite a way to try and earn a living- Thanks.
How cool is this 55! I ride a retro bike that looks like it's from the 50's. My hubby calls it my "grandma" bike but I love it and get tons of compliments on it. Mine is up, have an awesome weekend! Go Pack Go!!!!
Is that what men like about bikes - looking up women's britches?
Flash 55 - I Take It In
And now I know why I was a Tomboy :)
My 55: BHDS
lol you ALWAYS make me smile my friend, thank you!
mine is here: www.sobernuggets.blogspot.com
Well, I'll be damned!
Probably, Mama Z! (LOL!)
Better late than never: Your Words
that was almost naughty!! i finally got one up myself this week!!!
Imagine that business not "taking off!"
here's mine http://faystoo.blogspot.com/2011/01/that-girl.html
Glad that happened.
super mind opening 55 to me..
Happy Friday!
Here is My 55
As it's late, here's an EVENING HYMN AND LAST POST 55!!
so I just found out my link doesnt
try this
Hi G-Man! Posted this 55 worder at 19.10 GMT, inspired by those push-bikes.
Not posting myself today, but had to say something about that 50"s bicycle porn. Have those women no shame? Have they no pants? (I meant outer not inner pants..TMI TMI!!!)
Hmm... G for Gerard.. and G for Galen... (I see something there..) :))
You really have THE talent for putting up the most amazing of stories, Galen...
Keep rocking, my friend... xoxox
Now take a splash into my 55 for this week..
Oh Galen you had me laughing me arse off! Pre War porn. Lord. What will the man do next???
My place is a bloody battlefiedl
I could use a new pair of shoes.
Mine is finally up. Best to you this weekend. D
Those photos are hilarious --
is that the real origin of the girl-bike? Pretty cool!
I have a photo for you up on mine today.
Poor Gerard! But at least he moved on :)
Well now that looks like the job for you, boy!
not to worry, G
Man, henna is not permanent!
Greetings, Happy Sunday! Blessings…
Friendship Awards, Enjoy!
Thanks for the support, You Rock!
Hmm... G for Gerard.. and G for Galen... (I see something there..) :)) You really have THE talent for putting up the most amazing of stories, Galen... Keep rocking, my friend... xoxox Now take a splash into my 55 for this week..
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