There she is Little Skeeter.....Ohio!
I hear tell some of them homes have flush toilets!
(Ohio borders West Virginia...)
Every Monday the lovely Susan at Stony River, posts a pic
of her choice. You post the pic on your blog, then provide a
caption in 140 characters or less. When you are done, go tell her
Love it, G-Man! I know that I can always count on you for a unique interpretation.
Oh, I love it, too! You always have such great takes and what a great laugh for a grim, gray day! Love it!
And I know Susan won't be offended. :)
Thanks for the chuckle, G-Man!
Ah modern technology j-u-s-t out of reach. :)
Lived in Ohio for 20 years and we sure did have flush toilets.
At least the last five yeara of the 20.
LOL Funny!
Amazing ideas you have. LOL
-- K
Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel
Hee hee hee...unfortunately, I do believe I've heard this very same conversation as I've driven thru WV on our way to Ohio.
Now I don't know whether to Laugh or not. Let me finish chuckling.
smiles....i lived a year without a flush toilet...but that was in NC
You even threw some geography in there.... now that's some talent! :O)
Little Skeeter!! priceless
Love it! Have a great week my friend.
Wonder what's flowing in that river that you can't see?
Oh dear, my friends from WV won't find this as amusing as I do!
Oh, my gosh, how'd it get to be Monday already? You miss a lot when you're not paying attention.:-)
We've had this conversation before!
Yes, I know, but this time thing is mystifying. I'm thinking it must be like rocket science or something, WAY over my head.:-)
I love your interpretation of the photo, Galen. Always unique and always makes me smile.
Hi - I've popped over from Alice Audry's blog. Enjoyed your Micro-fiction.
Flush toilets??? What is they...flush toilets??? In Canada we could sure use some of them....
Have a great week. Cheers!
oh it sounds like they may be too close for comfort, do I smell something??? Very funny, loved your spin on it.
Are you insinuating Ohio is a bit backward G? ;)
Mine's up
Oh yeah- indoor plumbing! Good one Thanks!
Golly I wonner if them flush things is comin ta Michigan. We'll have plenny a money then Pa!
you have keeeeeen eyesight, dear man! g-man!!!
Okay..so my lip turned upward
but flush toilets aren't everything
Yes, some of us do have flush toilets. But if that river is in Cleveland, I'd stand back a foot or two...
Lol! so cute! ;)
♥.•*¨ Elizabeth ¨*•.♥
What did WC Fields say about Cleveland? Or was that Philadelphia? Them thar big cities iz all the same to uss'ns.
Mr Know-it-all G-Man!
I'm from Ohio, and we don't use calendars...so I'm wondering if Friday is past, or still one the way?
Anyway, this is my Friday Flash, etc., etc HERE
What a laugh-out-loudest hoot!
ya just never know the twist gman will make on the photo prompt. you rock
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