Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mixed Up Mid-Week........

We've broomed and moved and plowed so much snow this week that we had to hire a company to come in and cart it away. This was taken when the temp was -2.
Ummmm, guess what? I got my days mixed up. This was supposed to be Thursday Portrait. I guess this week you'll have Retro Thursday tomorrow. Ooooooops!


Serena said...

LOL. You're excused for getting your days mixed up. You have a good excuse -- frozen brain cells. Where, oh where is Spring?! Nice self-portrait, by the way.

barman said...

Oh man, someone beat me ...

barman said...

I think my mind might be frozen right about now too if I had to work outside at all.

-2 should not be a legal temperature. Nothing below 10 above zero would be allowed.

I was just looking at the snow at home. If we get much more snow I am not really sure where I am going to put it. The foot of the drive is almost 4 feet tall, 6 feet deep and not going anywhere any time soon. The snow is the same height piled about a foot into the street. I need the front loader at my house next.

lime said...

shucks, serena beat me to the punch. i figured the cold froze yer noggin too.

Mona said...

Galen...A Biker also has handlebar mustache....

S said...

68 here today!
Just sayin.

Who's the hoser now.

the walking man said...

For the first time in forty years I saw a city paid for snow plow come down my Detroit street. I was not surprised that it didn't have the blade down.

Shadow said...

can't you just get a giant hairdrier to melt the stuff, heee heee heee

javajazz said...

i like your new haircut...
you look cute,
kinda like a snowbunny
or somethin'...
ps winter sucks...

laughingwolf said...


looking at your pic, we COULD be related... have similar beard growth :O

laughingwolf said...

i have three 55ers up, nudder tomorrow

Evalinn said...

Wow, snow...I almost forgot what it looks like!

barman said...

Shadow, Indianapolis has giant hair dryers so they can dry off the track for the Indianapolis 500 and other races if it rains on the track. It's only a 5 hour or so drive one way. We all know from prior posts about High School that G-Man can fly when he wants to. I bet he could do the round trip in 6 hours, That might be a great idea.

buffalodick said...

Our snow piles are reaching the road signs- all the way up the pole now!

Akelamalu said...

That's a LOT of snow!

Breazy said...

For once in my life I don't have my days mixed up. My kids have been out of school for a week due to cold, bad weather(icy roads).

We did get some snow so I can't complain.

I like the self-portrait.

Be careful out there in all that snow and stay warm!

SignGurl said...

Gah! We HAVE had a lot of snow this season. That's pretty cool that you got that picture of the front end loader.

I know how tough it is for you when the weather is bad. I feel for you when they make you go out and broom the snow off all those cars.

I love your haircut. I think you look young with it. :)

I put my hiatus on hold in order to post a Thursday portrait. I've missed you all.