Wednesday, January 21, 2009

As Promised, Retro-Thursday......

Louisville Slugger...Circa 1975
Johnny Bench Model...
I've seen them on E-Bay for 500 Bucks.
Of Course......Yada Yada Yada...hehehehe


Serena said...

When I was a kid, we played baseball all summer. I don't think there was a Louisville Slugger in the group, though. I wonder how much our bats, whatever they were, would be worth now? Wow -- $500. Amazing!

GAB said...

Sooooo just how many "antiques" do you own?
Love the bat I had one as a kid(tomboy in me) but I dont know what ever happened to it. I suppose it went out into the trash same as all my baseball cards!

Mona said...

In My country, that would be a club to either squish heads or to wash clothes ( by washer men)

Shadow said...

so is this one yours, or the one you want from e-bay???

the walking man said...

It would seem that in Ann Arbor this is the tool of choice to get the hassenpfeffer started.

lime said...

$500, holy smokes!

the wooden bats are so cool. not like the aluminum ones now.

SignGurl said...

"I did it like this, I did it like that, I did it with a baseball bat."

Hehe, couldn't resist!

buffalodick said...

I played adult softball ball when the change from wood to metal was happening.. They don't use much ash right now because of the emerald ash borer, and some kind of blight...

barman said...

I have been down to the factory and it is incredible all they have to share. I am sure you would enjoy the tour. But a bat such as this... yep more stuff in the G-Man mueseum. Is there no end to what you have? My friends son

Wow, an appearance by Signgurl ... yea!!!

Akum said...

Wow! that's super cool. BTW, loved reading your blog!

JihadGene said...

Is there a "community organizer" bat in your arsenal? If so I would prefer a heavy one. Just askin because I need to smackdown an asshole in the White House/Oval Office for trying to close Gitmo.

Akelamalu said...

I hope you keep all your 'antiques' safe they will be worth a fortune some day!

laughingwolf said...

too cool, galen :D

[as per your Q: my 55ers are in my sidebar, under Mini I thru IV, will add V tomorrow]

KB said...

Cooooooool. My 55 is up and ready G.

G-Man said...

Shadow Dancing
Walkin Man
A. Kichu...Welcome
Mean Gene
Pearlie May
Karen...Thanks I'll be over!

Thank You one and all for visiting and commenting. I had a Looong and fruitful day at work today. Please join me in a Friday 55...