Thursday, February 9, 2012

Friday Flash 55.....

Eli Manning!!!
You've just shocked the planet for the second time in
four years and won Super Bowl Forty-Six!! What are you
doing next?
"I'm going to Disney World"!!!!!
Poor Tom Brady...
He'll just have to retreat to his 12 Million Dollar Mansion,
and have wild Monkey Sex with his Super Model Wife Gisele!

What a loser!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!
(Remember, I'm outta town, please help support fellow 55'ers)


Scarlet said...

What a game ~

I am playing along ~

hedgewitch said...

Life is so cruel to professional athletes.

I have a little meteorological motif going for my little effort:

Jasmine Rain

Maude Lynn said...

But, can she catch a pass?

Brian Miller said...

i thought it was a $20 million dollar if there is a huge difference...hehe...nice was a fun game...i could care less about either team...

yo my 55 is up!

Cloudia said...


Warm Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >

Margaret said...

Yes, poor man, indeed. Good grief, there's a LAKE in his back yard!

I have TWO this week ... One is written by my horse, Sebastian and I thought that meant I was off the hook. But then, I happened to write a poem in ... 55 words. Truly amazing!

For those who read Sebastian's 55 already from IGWRT's, I have added a CUTE video of Sebastian when he was a baby (can you tell I adore this horse?:)

True Passion and Recipe for I'm Sorry

Have a lovely vacation in VA!

Steve Isaak said...

Good, entertaining read, as your work consistently is!

Here's mine, By villagers' torchlight.

Janna said...

Still laughing at the concept of "Wild Monkey Sex".

Give me a moment to imagine that...

Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)

izzy said...

I was not impressed by that football
game. Shock the planet, quite right.
He did manage to come out ahead.
Thanks for leading us in 55's !

Teresa said...

It was a great game. Mine is up.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

It is just a game, only one can win...

I have a post containing exactly 55 words,

here is My 55

Will try to make some comments this time...Soon!

Happy Friday.

Bodhirose said...

Someone's gotta lose...

TALON said...

Yeah, it's really hard to feel super sorry, isn't it? Hmmmm...I wonder what the mood was like in the big mansion after the way his model wife embarrassed him?

My 55: Charily

Fireblossom said...

LOL @ what a loser! And LOL again at MZ's question.

Mine is up.

Christine said...

Here's mine,

Not really feeling sorry for the guy, just did my taxes tonight, I only need to work 30 more years before I get my measly pension chq. (that's if there is a plan left)

drybottomgirl said...

Well since the Packers didn't play I wasn't concerned with who won! But as always enjoyed your 55! Mine is up, and have a sweet weekend!!!!

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

What a line of work, where you can get rich staying in shape and playing a game!

Here's mine, showing the perils of a very different kind of occupation: Operator

lime said...

ah well at least there is consolation for tom...

moondustwriter said...

that game was played super bowl style (at least in the second half)
Eli was the man

damaged goods

Anonymous said...

You pulled in both wild monkey sex and Disney? Interesting.

Mine is up

Cathy Feaster said...

MZ has a great question!

MorningAJ said...

It's sport isn't it? I don't even understand UK sport let alone anything from your side of the pond. I'm sure it's a good 55 though!

My 55 are here

Wander said...

Hi all, here is my 55 and then some

anthonynorth said...

Ah, life can be hell.
You'll find mine here.

Jinksy said...

My 55 is HERE and could lead to a BAFTA for G-Man?!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Could it get any worse for that Fucker!

Akelamalu said...

What's monkey sex????? :0

Mine's up.

Herb Mallette said...

Second place ... such a disappointment! I don't know how pro athletes bear it.

My 55 is up for the week here.

Daydreamertoo said...

I wasn't watching it so, I don't know what happened

My 55 is up:

Just Deserts

Have a fab weekend Mr. G

JANU said...

I don't understand 'superbowl'..but the 55 is nice.
Mine is here -

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

(3rd time posting is a charm, I hope)

Ha! I dreamed the outcome. It's true! I posted on FB the morning of the game. The following night I dreamed that a dog pooped in the house only to discover the next morning a "Cling-on" had fallen off my Daisy's hiney.

Speaking of dreams, my 55 is based on one and can be found HERE

Anonymous said...

Who's the winner again?

Have a nice time G-Man

change in the weather

Enjoy your weekend everyone

Nessa said...

Yeah, i bet the pity party at Tom's house was kinky.

Flash 55 - Say Wha?

hope said...

I'm not allowed to discuss the game as the in-laws are still steaming over the Packer's loss. :)

Mine's up. Happy weekend!

Donnetta said...


Oh, it's only a's only a game. Don't be afraid...

Okay, my 55er was up as of yesterday. Hope someone comes along for a read. D

Mijayami said...

I only watched a few minutes of the game and the half-time show. Having been raised watching CFL, I've never been able to make the switch and care much for the NFL.

My 55 is here.

Anonymous said...

Ha! Halair, G!! Go Giants, but really, what a fab game, better than any comercial. I'm running behind for work, but here is my a love letter just for you ~

Other Mary said...

Millionaires in capris! How can you take them seriously?
And now for something completely different:

Craig said...

Well, I don't know. . . after she dissed all of Tom's receivers, life might be just a smidgen less idyllic just these days.

I wonder if she ever gets headaches. . .


And it's probably best if I refrain from saying anything about Leo's leftovers. . . ;)

author.nara.malone said...

Wild Monkey Sex? Hmm. I always find inspiration on your blog, G.

Back after a long drought Throw Me In the Water

Jannie Funster said...

Yep, gigantic huge big L on his forehead.



Doctor FTSE said...

Wild Monkey Sex made clear.

Helen said...

As always .. love reading what you have to say! Weren't those commercials something else???

I played this week with


Secret Agent Woman said...

Was there some sort of sports thing last weekend?

Manicddaily said...

Hi G-Man. I agree with Joy--Poor Pros!

Here is mine. Feeling Bedraggled Before Dinner Out

Have a great weekend. K.

Anonymous said...

sorry i'm linking up so late, G ~ i did post on Friday {with one minute to go...(smile)}

i hope you're having a FABulous time in Virginia!

Olivia said...

you took a perfect dig I say...

I played :)

Friday hugs xo

Come At Me Bro said...

This is great!

GAB said...

Yeah Im so tired of these athletes who get paid so damn much money and they are such well cheaters! steroids, drugs, alcohol, sex you name it theyve done it and think its ok and most not all get away with it!