Thursday, February 2, 2012

Friday Flash 55.....

"Let the One who has understanding, count the
number of The Beast. For it is the number of man,
and his number is Six Hundred and Sixty Six."
(At a Dr.'s office in Bethesda Md.)
'OK Newt, wanna hop up on the scales? The Doc will
be right in'...
(The Nurse jots down...666 Pounds!!)

I Knew IT!!! Be careful how you cast your vote Peeps!
If you or anyone you know has written a Flash Friday 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!
So from the most Apocalyptical Host from coast to coast
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!


Anonymous said...
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Steve Isaak said...

LOL, good post.

Here's mine: Electrify.

Thanks again, for hosting this. =)

Daydreamertoo said...

Haha.... You are soooooo badddddd!
Love it!!

Mine's up, early for a change too!
You are a riot Mr G-Man!

Scarlet said...

Yikes...he looks really bad.

Mine is up:

Unknown said... ain't for the lightweights!

I played over HERE

Anonymous said...


I have one linked to you,

best wishes, love your 55, sexy and funny.

Brian Miller said...

i almost threw up in my mouth at that first pic...ugh on newt or any of those vying for candidacy actually...

and mine is up...

Margaret said...

... I honestly thought you couldn't surprise me anymore, but this did shock me. I didn't know you had such a close, personal relationship with Newt.

No Commitment

Teresa said...

I'm so sick of all the politicians already! I must say this post is the most fun I've had with the election so far this year. Mine is up.

Christine said...

So glad I live in Canada.

Here's my 55, have a terrific weekend!

Manicddaily said...

Oh dear! I can't feel sorry for Newt, but your post actually makes me feel a bit sorry for him. (The devil made him do it!)

Here's mine:

I'm sorry, I just can't do hyperlink. I'll do better next time.


hedgewitch said...

I could have gone my whole life without visualizing Newt in the newd. *shudder*

Despite your 55 being enough to give nightmares to stronger beings than I, or even rocks, mine is not inspired by any weird dreams, just a poem again this time:

The Art of Smothering

Maude Lynn said...

Holy hell, that first picture is scary!

moondustwriter said...

so that isa what the 666 meant glad you clarified

so Bluebell got the Yahtzee eh?

Happy Friday Mr G and all

Super Bowl is here

Yvonne Osborne said...

Oh, how disgusting! I echo Brian's reaction. Actually, Trump coming out for Mitt might actually boost the Newt's numbers. It is almost enough to make me wish I lived in Canada.

Mine is here

Dani said...

boy has it been a day..
Oh what an interesting picture and weight

hope all of you had a nice day

this was mine

lime said...

now that is great tribulation! lord have mercy!

i'm up here

Janna said...

Very true... very true. :)

Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)

TALON said...

lol, G! Judging by those man-boobs he's a she-devil! ;)

My 55: Shadow Play

Jannie Funster said...

My vote is for you as funny blogger of the year!


magiceye said...

:) the devil in the details!

My take on communication at

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

It wouldn't surprise me if any politician turned out to be the antichrist.

We were thinking along the same lines this week: Rapture

Lydia said...

Eeeewwwewwwww!!! Scary dude, that Newt. You did well to notify those who hadn't yet figured that out!

Mine is up, and you have my wishes for a great weekend, G-Man!

Lydia said...

Sorry.......the link is Here!

JANU said...

Eeks...666 is a awful no.
my 55 is here -

MorningAJ said...

I can see I'm going to have to take more notice of US politics!

I've done a 55 here.

anthonynorth said...

Now that's a real nightmare.
You'll find mine here.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Eeeew FAT BASTARDS' man boobs!!

Alice Audrey said...

I thought that was his age. :D

Mine is up

Cad said...

Ada to the rescue - HERE

Akelamalu said...

He needs to go on a diet - look at those MOOBS!

Mine's up.

Herb Mallette said...

Aw, surely you're being too hard on him. Deep down, Newt must be a lovable guy ... how else could he have had so many wives?

I've posted mine here

Laura said...

LOVE it!!! Your sense of humor is wicked...your political Thanks for all the kind words. You are a softy (but we'll keep that a secret, shhhh)

Here's my 55!

izzy said...

666th Beast -with roving, raving
red eyes ???
Serve him up on platter to the
followers. How would he look with a big apple in his mouth ?
Yes I did a 55 for you; I went snooping for a story line...

GAB said...

yeah its hard to determine who is or isnt right for the job. just when you think you know the right person bam Im wrong........back to the good stuff YEP LOVE LOVE SOUTH DAKOTA!! Most of the bikers ride right through our town on their way to Sturgis (sad thing is we've never been there and Mr Gab is a Biker)But hve been to all the rest. if we were staying there I would invite you to come visit. But I honestly think we are moving to Fl yet this year should that change however you are most welcome to come and visit me any time!

Bubba said...

Now I wanna see Newt doing some wire fighting - LOL!

I'm in this week! 55 Words of Wisdom

hope said...

Hysterical! (I had my suspicions, you know).

Sorry, was busy this week writing up stories about the Wounded Warrior Project participants who came by Hubby's shop. If you want your heartstrings tugged, take a peek. :)

Have a fantastic weekend, no matter what that danged Groundhog said!

Other Mary said...

Hey, this is not a 55, but you gotta have a look. It's about Newt, lyrics about him, set to the Grinch song.

Vanessa Victoria Kilmer said...

Ah, yes, the Head Crazy Man. I bet that scale read 666 from all the fruitcakes - oh, wait, he's one BIG fruitcake.

I Want You

Cathy Feaster said...

haha...politics! One good thing about politicians-they create material for good laughs...and you use that material so well!

Anonymous said...

{{{excuse me while i throw up in my mouth from the top picture.....}}}

sorry i was absent last week, G. my 55 is up now ~ hope you approve. {smile}

have a FABulous weekend, Galen!

Anonymous said...

(sorry-i didn't mean to repeat Brian's comment ~ maybe you could hand out Newt-sick bags?) xo

Pheromone Girl said...

Hi! Remember me?

And you said I won't follow through...

I wouldn't have it any other way

S said...

oh god I had to choose today to show up for a visit. My retinas are burned out now, thanks


Doctor FTSE said...
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Doctor FTSE said...

I'll be darned if he isn't Playboy centrefold.

See his Rivals

Bodhirose said...

Oh, gosh, hairy man made Newt even more unappealing..if that's possible...

Here's mine for today:

Raven said...

Haha...funny...I guess I should start looking more into politics since it's an election year and all.

Almost didn't make it today, but then this hit me. Hope you enjoy.

Secret Agent Woman said...

No worries here - you couldn't pay me to vote for Newt or any of his cronies.

Anonymous said...

boo...gross me out, be it in the Newd or fully clothed Newt on the're too funny. Must be all that green stuff you've been sipping! Anyhoo, mine isn't nearly as political as yours, but in does fall in the scope of games people play. Btw, I'm in writing mode, so if you visit, 55 may be buried a few post down. Cheers ~

Other Mary said...

Here: Woo Hoo!

Katherine Krige said...

Hoo baby, I am up here in the fifties G! Nice one!!! Well, I am going to through my 55 words in the mix too, late in the game

Wander said...

This is my offering this week, I hope to get around to some of the others this time!!!

Other Mary said...

Hey G-man, sorry I'm a bit slow with this. So, here is a link to the Gingrich thing I mentioned. It's just the lyrics written out though, because I'm a crap singer!
To the tune of The Grinch (I can't be the first one to think about how much those two names sound alike!)

Fowl Ideas said...

I was going to go eat lunch but you've pretty much ruined my appetite.

Anonymous said...

Woah creepy Newt.