Thursday the right side of my face swelled up
like an Aubergine. It seems I developed an absessed
tooth, and my dentist is in Florida. His office called
in a couple of scripts for me and I'm feeling somewhat
better.... I looked like Alvin the Chipmonk!
Happy Birthday to me!
My son got me a 25.00 Tim Horton's gift card.
My friend Lynne got me a Retro Poster calender.
My Closest and Dearest Friend Maggie got me my Favorite
Fragrance, Halston Z-14 and a beautiful E-Card.
Alex forgot my Birthday...
My work made no reference to my day.
I got NO cards in the mail.
My daughter could have sent me an E-Mail but didn't.
I feel like Willie Loman...
Oh well, I've always said that Birthdays and Christmas
is for kids. Have a Kick Ass Week Everybody!
Goat hugs and kisses! Not everyone can say they've had a nanny wish them a happy birthday.
Thank You Millie...
Here's a Carrot...:-)
So very very glad you've got some relief for the pain and swelling, G. You know I wish you the happiest of birthdays and how lucky are you to have Nanny Goats giving birthday wishes?
Yeesh--abscessed tooth for the birthday--or any day, because after all, we're a year older from each same day last year every day..sucks largely(ummm, no I haven't been into your meds--that's just the way my mind no longer works...)Do you know dentists, even when not in lovely Miami Beach, also don't work on Fridays, which is when my last tooth decided to explode? I say, string em up and light a birthday candle on their heads.
Look at it this way--your next birthday will probably be better by default. Best wishes for improvement and stuff, my friend.
ack man, not a lot of fun...so you are all puffed up like my son...his has stopped swelling just waiting for it to start receding now...absesed tooth is not a lot of fun...had one a few years back...hope they work it out...happy birthday pops...
You didn't get my gift? It should be coming in the mail. Well it's Geritol shoulda been Tylenol 3 to Be pain free
Happy B-Day Mr G
Cheers for 55 more
Hey, why didn't your dentist send you down to Florida to fix that tooth? That would have made up for the lack of cards in the mail. Happy Birthday man, take care of that tooth, eh!
Happy Birthday! I avoid my birthday and yes, receiving gifts does seem to have faded away... but I guess I have spent my fair share on our two horses... Kind of like a daily gift! :)
Happy Birthday...Hugs.
Have a great day after-
Sorry for the tooth thing- (I hate
that on any day!) Salut-
i'm sorry, gman. i really am. hope you're feeling better and knowing that you are loved.
Awww...I would have sent you a card, if I knew your address.
Happy Birthday, G-Man. Hope you are feeling better soon.
PS - For some reason, I still excpect my birthday to be something special and always feel a little let down when it is not. Birthdays might be for kids, but I think adults still need a little magic in their lives too...
No, birthdays are for surviving yet another year. And for cake. :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. Okay, it's late. But it's the thought, right?
Sorry about the tooth...been there, done that, wouldn't do it again.
Toothache for your birthday. That's just not fair. So you need an extra special Christmas....
Have a hug for now. [[HUG]]
Hey, I didn't make the list. What am I,chopped liver?
Happy Birthday! I'm glad you found some relief for your tooth, how awful that must have been!
Yes...One of my oldest and dearest friends Shep (Perchpike) did call me. Our birthdays are only 5 days apart. Thanks Jimmy
That doesn't sound like a fun way to spend your birthday at all. :(
I guess if we want a bigger deal on our birthday, we just have to make it happen ourselves. No matter how hard you try to forget or ignore them, they still happen & we always seem to know. My birthday doesn't ever seem to be very exciting either, but I get hugs from the kids. Sending a virtual hug your way from me though.
Happy birthday, Galen! Sorry to hear about the tooth. I hope it doesn't interfere too much with a little celebration. There's no better excuse to celebrate, and it only comes once a year. So have some fun!
Ouch that sounds painful m'deario. Hope you get it sorted.
Your friends on Facebook remembered your birthday didn't they? :)
Oh, u've had your birthday! And uhu, u've been sick! Poor G-man! Hope u had a wonderful birthday anyway!
Yikes - hope the swelling has gone down.
And a belated Happy Birthday to you!
Alas I did remember your birthday. Hope that tooth is better! HUGS
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