Betty Ford...Geraldine Ferraro
Mohmar Quadaffi...? Very Bizzaro!
Amy's Soul, was finally set free
Macho Man Savage Hit a Tree!
Clarence Clemmons blew his last refrain
Fitness Guru...Jack LaLane
Adios Matt Dillon, Ditto Dr. Death
Jackie Cooper, Peter Falk, and Darling Elizabeth!
Andy Rooney, Steve Jobs, Joe Frazier too...
Osama Bin Laden...Fuck You!
Time....Marches On!!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!
So from the most grateful to be alive host from coast to coast
Have a Kick Ass New Year....
Happy New Year Everybody!!!!!!!
def a tough year on public figures eh? nice 55 g! hope you have a great new year!
i am in...
booyah! lookey there...from last last week to first...smiles.
Love the last line. Wishing you a Happy New Year.
My 55 is up.
So it does. Thanks for the wonderful year of hosting ~
Wishing you an awesome New Year celebration ~
Let me try this again, free of embarrassing typos:
Quite a line up of personalities there bidding this mortal coil adieu, and I concur with your final sentiments completely. Translation--way cool 55, G.
I'm playin
Hope you had a good christmas and hope you have a happy new year
I'm still mourning the Big Man!
interesting public figures,
Hope all is well.
I wrote a 55 today, see it Here
Happy New Year!
Hey, grateful host.
I didn't realize Peter Falk bit the dust this year. Columbo eh, he always got his man. or woman.
Here's to us still not only being here, but kicking ASS!!
I clicked on "Here", it went to my 55 post.
Not sure about the issue,
Anyway, Thanks for visiting.
Appreciate your patience.
great retro-spective!
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
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This sounds almost like something Billy Joel should be singing in that song "We Didn't Start The Fire."
Or maybe another verse to R.E.M.'s "It's The End Of The World As We Know It".
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
What a recap of the year. Some big names in that list. Mine is here. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2011/12/29/a-farewell/
So many losses...some tragic, some expected, some not mourned...some personal and difficult.
Wishing you a beautiful New Year, Galen.
My 55: Commencement
thanks for your kind remark at my blog. Really appreciate your generosity & aloha, G
Quite the motley crew- How would they manage on a life raft together?!
Happy fun New Years!
Loved Peter Falk.. And Yes, Janna...this almost could be a Billy Joel song. ha
Yes, Time marches on...
New Fragrance
And thanks for your kind and over-generous comments. They make my day ;) and inspire me to keep trying.
It happens to the best and the worst of us.
Best wishes in the new year!
Safety First
KILLER ENDING G.....HA...always dig stoppin' by...Peace
my 55
Many people to remember. Some for the good, some definitely not. I hope Amy's there in the Rehab in the sky.
You'll find mine here.
Happy New Flash Fiction Year, G-man!
Can you believe it, I´m up on time this year! I think it´s a sign!!
Happy New Blogging Year
Time and Life goes on.
Mine's up. x
I liked this 55 best of all yours so far. It is poignant and irreverent at the same time. Your "Darling Elizabeth" kinda choked me up, G.
Mine is right here.
Very Happy New Year to you!
That may be the best The Year in Summary I'll read. :)
On vacation, hope to play next time. You have a great New Year's!
Your kiss goodbye is more definitive than mine, but it sure does apply to 2011.
The Beginning and The End
I'd forgotten a few of those. Nice 55 reminder.
I've been watching cookery programmes this week.
Whoa! When did I miss the lovely Elizabeth Taylor's death? Great take on the passing legends and villains. I finally gave myself time to pen what I've been reflecting upon as the year winds down. My victory can be found HERE
Excellent last line! As for the others well they all had a fairly good run at life, except khaDAFFY but his end was right as rain.
So many gone, some way too soon, and some WAY too late. But in the end, it gets us all. Time is the one task master none can avoid.
Have a happy new year, Galen!
totally killer year it has been !
My reflections on October
Agree with Brian--great 55. Glad I made it through 2011. (Almost.)
Here's mine....
two things...fab 55, would love to hear you sing that one (in my head I kept hearing it in the tune of that one Dylan song...) meaning, I dig. 2. you need to post warnings for those posts that include bambi carnage! (was enjoying until I paged down, oy!)
Happy New Years, G! Very glad to have happen upon your blog this year, cheers ~ angela
oh, ya, I've one for ya too gimme some truth
Glad that their rein is over.
Mine is here - http://janukulkarni.blogspot.com/2011/12/moving-on.html
Bad year for lot of public figures.. Hmm.
Old Leo, back to Old Wordpress blog, new URL, and reminiscing my first Flash55 earlier this year :)
bravo! you got them all in 55 words AND you gave it rhyme and meter. anyone who can work some of those names into a rhyme is pretty good.
nice tribute to the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Hope you have a blast for the week end Gman it's been a blast being hosted by you as well... Keep on Blogging.
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