"Ooooooh, there's a perfectly matched pair of blue
argyle socks. I think I'll help myself to THIS one!
Oh Yeah...This guy just bought a Van Heusen dress
shirt. I feel like (POP!!!) removing the top button.
And for the Coup de Grace...EVERYTHING gets turned
inside out"!!
LADIES and GENTLEMEN, Meet....The Laundry Goblin!!!!
Aha...I Knew It!!!!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most mis-matched host from coast to coast....
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
I've had days where the laundry goblin just wouldn't quit- and this is one of them! You nailed it with this fifty-five. :)
Mine is up, here.
ha...yeah he likes my socks...alot unfortunately...
see told you i would let you have it this week Ti...
mine is up!
Didn't you KNOW? Wearing mismatched socks is "So Cool" because all the Bednar kids wear them mismatched to school! :)
Yes, and he makes the clothes-hangers multiply and then suddenly disappear, too. Weird guy with some serious hangups.Probably more than 55 of em.
Kay, I'm playin--I've had another weird dream, people, so naturally, I'm inflicting, er graciously sharing it with you:
Giant Mistake
I believe it - mine regularly steals socks. And has an evil habit of using static to attach my undies to my kids' clothing.
those goblins sure are hungry all the time! lol!
Mine is up at http://bit.ly/o0n2XZ
Just a light post from me...
Have a great weekend ~
well played humor.
Happy Weekend.
Here is My 55
Hmmm anyway we can give him a new job
Or maybe give me a new job
Steve needs a job!
Thanks for the weekly 55
We don't have that system yet here- in my country..
Some laugh in the morning wow!!
It's 7.30am.. yawn
Wishing you too a nice one Galen!
Ruthless bastard....the goblin not you.
HERE is my 55 for this week.
Oh, yeah, that goblin dude has creeped my laundry room a time or two.:)
See~another reason we goats don't wear clothes. We don't want to see any laundry goblins. The human wrote a 55 here. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2011/08/25/a-sign-of-the-times/
Yes, we have a laundry goblin, too. And a mischievous ghost who does things like turning the lights on in unoccupied rooms and hiding useful items like keys and eyeglasses, especially when you need them most.
My 55 is here
lol! I loved it, Galen. You just know those single socks are all gathering somewhere having some fabulous parties while their partners languish in a drawer.
For a minute I thought you would mention the blue, argyle face.
Mine is up
THAT explains everything! There must be a lot of them because I think everyone I know has suffered from their attentions.
I'm in this week.
Got me spinning, thanks.
Look HERE!
That laundry goblin should not allowed to exist!
Galen I played too!
Haha, my husband keeps those single socks, sure that they will turn up someday. They never do. Now I know why/who!
Mine is up: Hide and Seek.
Have a good weekend. I'll be counting my blessings while watching reports about Irene. And the annual Star Party is out in the woods on Saturday 9-midnight...can't wait!
Am glad i haven't had this trouble yet ...
Smiles this week !!
What a coincidence - I wrote a similar 55 but decided not to post it today. Look out for it some other time.
Mine's up.
Here's mine.
I know him! He visits my laundry room on a regular basis. I don't like him much at all, however.
I had nothing so I wrote of
That reminds me I have to do my laundry, goblin or not.
*not a happy thought*
Here's mine
Your humor is refreshing and one of a kind! Mine: Lost
damn goblin, always eating my running socks, boo!
here is to you and another fab friday of 55s, G! Mine revisits the 80s, or at least queens ~ Cheers
i'd drown him but he can breathe underwater.
good one, G! thanks for the smile.
mine's up:
have a rockin' weekend, Galen!
dani ♥
Our Gremlin has flooded the floor, jammed the windows and left muddy footprints all over clean clothes-
Have a grand weekend!
I thought that darn thing choked on my socks. It must be indestructible...sneaky bastage.
Here's mine G-Man.
grape indulgence
I must have a half dozen laundry goblins. They're especially fond of silk and lace. Love that picture on the milk carton.
Mine is up Housewarming
So THAT'S what happens...what goes in the washer, stays in the washer, refusing to come back. ;)
Mine's up. Happy weekend!
Yeah, but who knew he only had one foot?
Not playing this week; busy battening down the hatches.
Here in Texas where everything is BIG we have laundry goblins that swallow whole washing machines.
That first cartoon is SO FUNNY!!
Happy 55, Galen. I'm playing hooky this week.
He loves to tear my cotton tops apart, specially my favourite ones...Enjoyed this very much, thank you.
My FF55 after a long time
click here
Friday's come around soooooo quickly!!
Here's my 55:
Weeping Willow
hahhaa...seriously! This particular goblin sure knows his tricks!! Whew!!
I have a feeling I am gonna meet him today.. *sigh*
And guess what, Galen?! I POSTED a 55 today... after what seems like AGES!! But I am so happy I did!! Thank you for that sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet comment on my previous post... you are the bestestttt!!
Hi G-Man! My sad, sad story is HERE
Ah ha! DArn laundry monster shows up at my house regularly to steal socks! Grrr. Oh well.
I have a 55 for you today G. Cheers!
start to read some 55 now.
Thanks for the patience.
Have a fulfilling weekend.
Re your note:
I didn't know it had to be exactly 55 and couldn't be less. I just thought it could be up but no more than....I know now though.
I'll do better next time, promise ;)
I know that gremlin!!
Okay--better late than never--as usual! But my 55er is finally up. D
Once you've finished reading this week's 55s, you might want to stop back by my playground again. :)
I love this G-Man..
Someone is Special
he is a dastardly little devil!
personally i always thought the missing socks transmogrified into wire hangers.
And for the record, halfway through the book, I DID include me giving up and you encouraging me, as well as my sassy 55 of gratitude. :)
This solves a life-long puzzle for me...Of course!...The laundry goblin! That little bastard has all my socks' other halves...I was just beginning to chalk it up to one of those mysteries of the universe which will never be figured out...
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