Remember Gunsmoke?
Up until this year(Law and Order)It was the longest
running drama on TV, 20 years!
The original cast was James Arness as Matt Dillon,
Amanda Blake as Kitty, Dennis Weaver as Chester, and
Milburn Stone as 'Doc' Adams.
Now here is the fun part...
In the original Sci-Fi thriller The Thing, from the early
50's, James Arness played the Thing. In real life he was
the brother to Peter Graves who played Mr. Phelps on TV's
Mission Impossible. 'Doc' Adams real first name on the show
was...Galen. And the first year on TV for Gunsmoke?
Hehehehehe...That reminds me of something.
See ya Friday (Or 8:00 PM EST Thursday)
dude six degrees of seperation from galen to 55...well or about 24 hours...
this is getting to be a habit...FARKLE!
its still a dice game at least...
I'll be there, G-Man!
it's a freaky sort of coincidnece!
The world is just full of coincidences, no? :)
See you tomorrow!
PS - What the heck is FARKLE?!? Hahaha!
You have that 55 thang down
Liked the show as a kid
Thanks G for another trivia night
Wow! You never cease to amaze me Mr. G.
Geez I'm older than Gunsmoke? damn!
I'll put my thinking cap on now.
I remember Gunsmoke - vaguely. ;)
And I remember it more clearly...although I was a child. ;)
I remember how much my brothers loved Gunsmoke :) I was wondering how you were going to tie this in. lol, Galen!
Oh yes my parents made sure we watched every week.. It was one of the shows I liked as a child. One of the others was Bonanza.
Hey, if this were May 5th, would that possibly make it 5 - 5 ??
Very interesting G :)
Have you noticed they don't make Westerns hardly at all any more? All the popular TV shows are still about gun smoke(and powder burns, and bullet markings and other ballistical type things)though.
See ya later, 'Doc.'
I can tell I'm hungry, because I am not sure I entirely followed that train.
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