A friendly reminder to all Meme Players.
It breaks the Hosts heart when their post goes unnoticed and unread.
Be gracious, not selfish. I'm Up. Read Me. I'm Up
Have anything on your mind in EXACTLY 160 characters?
Post it on your blog and then go visit Monkey Man....Here!
Please be sure to comment on his always terrific post!
It's awfully late to be broken-hearted.
Hungry, Hungry Hippos!
awe, i will comment i love your posts!!
Here is mine.
Sunday 160 by Inspired by Lisa
I'll check back to see who else links up.
I'm sorry you are broken hearted.
I read ! and i linked too first time :)
~ Nimue
i hear you g...
i will say this g...you run the model meme...even though it takes you hours you leave thoughtful comments on every participant and i think that engenders a culture in most of those that play. there are many memes out there where this does not happen. i am sorry if you get left out in the rush to link, if i have done it i am sorry and will make sure i dont again.
You above all needn't think that you are included in this.
Most people are very kind and thoughtful.
Like I said, just a friendly reminder...
Like Brian, I agree that you leave wonderful comments week after week. And not just for me, but for everyone (I see you ahead of me, all over the place!).
I hope I have not been guilty of this...but if a busy week has found me short with you, please forgive me! I always read and love you, G. xo
oops...the above comment was ME, logged in as my alternate identity. Damn blogger won't let my gmail account be linked to my blog for some reason...sigh.
I didn't get round to anyone last week because I was away. I'm catching up now. Hope I haven't left you out in the past because you ALWAYS leave great comments and you are much appreciated!
I hear ya, G. I have Sunday 160 players that don't leave a comment or do but don't say they played and can be passed up by other players. I go to everyone who comments just in case.
Oh yeah....Thanks for playing along with the Sunday 160. See you next Friday.
Who would do such a thing?
You know that you are adored, nay, worshiped!
Very well said!!
Loved it.. Sunday Hugs xxx
Hey I'm not even playing and I'll leave a comment. I've never read a comment of yours on my stuff that wasn't perfect for the occasion, and I seldom can come read anything here without blowing my current beverage out my nostrils like Shamu. Thanks for all the attention you have lavished on me, especially when I was a total noob. You are Master of Memishness.
(And kudos to Monkey Man, too, since this his sunday thing--another constantly nice guy.)
nicely said and so succinctly ;)
sweet reminder..
true and cool 160.
i read you brother! write on!
Those who do, link. Those who don't - stalk. I'm not fond of stalkers, always say SOMETHING, especially if I play along. Where's the rule book???
Poor G-man. Looks like you're feeling the love now, though. Hope that makes it all feel more worthwhile.
A friendly reminder from your host the G Man
Thanks it's good for people to be reminded
Have a kick ass week ( minus Monday)
Effective, and to the point - the whole point of the exercise, perfectly executed. =)
Good one, u should know! :-)
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