Opening the front door, blinding light from the outside
world penetrates the window-less pub's darkness. Seven or
eight regulars look up, and in unison shout...'GALEN'!!!
Sitting at the bar, smatterings of conversations are overheard...
"I'm empty"....
"Idiot, In 2012 the North-Pole and the South-Pole are switching places"..
"Hi Galen.....The usual?"
Yes indeed....And that 'usual' is a Diet Pepsi or Bud Select 55!!
This dump makes me THE BEST BAR BURGER!!
An 8 oz (or more) hand pattied ground chuck burger cooked
medium well. They grill the bun to a PERFECT golden brown.
Mustard on BOTH sides...A thick slice of Onion...Green Olives...
A Pickle spear....Bag of chips.....$2.50? Yes...$2.50!!!! ANYTIME!
I Love Dive Bars...hehehehe
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man...
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the hungriest host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!
Now I'm really craving a burger, G. That looks awesome.
Fifty-five pieces of gear and one hundred and fifty-five reasons why I should be out climbing instead of sitting indoors right this minute… right here!
$2.50 -- holy cow!! I'm moving to your town.
Trouble In Red is mine.
dud that sounds likemy kinda place...that burger looks amazing!
i am up!!!!!
You're making me hungry G. Mine's up. Have a great weekend.
Can I substitute jalapeno for the olives?
My entry is up.
Or here
Wow, that's quite a deal on grub.
Mouth-watering 55! ...I've bupkis on my menu tonight. Just saying hey, G!
Actually, that burger looks really, really, good.
My 55 is x-rated and can be found HERE
i think that picture alone gave me a myocardial infarction! zowie! but cheap food, friendly folks...it's all good.
i'm up here
Thats right Sherry.
Around here Friday starts at 8:00 PM est Thursday Nights!!
Thank You for noticing...:-)
What, no jalapenos??? Still, for $2.50, who's complaining? You can't buy tofu for that--not that any sane person would want to.
Yep, I'm playin--my chilling real life tale(well, with minor changes to keep them from coming after me):
Except, hold the olives!
btw...thanks for the kick in the pants. I'm up.
That's no fiction! But it does make me hungry.
My 55 is HERE
My ideal burger would have a ton of cheese, bacon, and lots of barbecue sauce.
Possibly also a ton of hot peppers.
Now I'm drooling.
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
Yep, where everybody knows your name. And how you like your burger. It's a good thing.
I'm in here.
Wow, that is a playful 55,
you are the star
in a bar,
young and attractive ladies are not afar...
I bet you enjoy your time there...
Here is My 55
Wow. Fantastic mouth watering photo!! The price is hard to believe.
...would you like a cocktail with that burger?
My email internet service is down and that is where I stored the instructions how to direct link. So, for my 55, go to my Art Happens in Black & White Blog. (http://margaretbednar-blackandwhite.blogspot.com)
I will try to direct link in the morning and I will erase this one.
I'll take mine without the olives. You can't beat that price though!
(whats in the cupboard to eat? I'm suddenly hungry...)
Oh, and I will have a 55 up for you tomorrow am.
Well come to Wisconsin my friend! Lots of dive bars that serve mean fish fries, onion rings, and yes, gotta have 'em cheese curds! Your 55 made me hungry, so off to find a snack and wishing you a great weekend! My 55 is up...
Your 55s are always fresh and in this case
pretty lady
Thanks for your tireless wit and charm G
Goodness, I love dive bars, too!
I'm late again... but it's only 9:25 MY time so not TOO Late...
Shaky 55
Sounds yummy, Galen...why am I always tempted by food?
Mine is at:
love it, makes me think of dives around here..
I've read about the G-man's 55 and thought I'd give it a go, Slammed
I'd like to see you wrap your mouth around that monster, Galen. Look at the lust you've incited in your readers.
Here's my Bloody Hand
Now Galen, you had to do it! Making me hungry, drool and salivating!!
The place sounds awesome and the burger- grub grub already!! A think slice of onion? Mustard? I don't need more- I'll add the jalapeños on my own.. hehehe
Re- birth
You have a wonderful weekend mannn!! Hugs xoxoxox
enjoy Galen. No mention of food is exiting for me at present...
My 55ve Flash Fiction is up!
Ah, you can't beat pubs.
You'll find mine here.
Throw on some jalapeños and a pickled banana pepper on the side, and I'm buying that burger!
Skipped a week; so I'm glad to be playing this round. Mine's here.
sated now, the friends gathered to pay homage to a G man
Peace, hp
my stuff
A beer and a burger with friends - what could be better? :)
Mine's up.
Gosh that burger looks scrummy.
Calorie riddled, but yummy.
Have an awesome weekend!
sounds yummylicious!!
sometimes life sucks at http://instantwords.blogspot.com/2011/03/sometimes.html
I had trouble focusing on your words because of that damn burger! $2.50? What decade are you living in? Gotta love establishments that put their customers first.
My 55 is here: http://thehalfwaypoint.net/2011/03/meaningful-measures/
Eek! That would not be my choice of a Friday morning luncheon though! Rather have a rabbit stew? LOL
See my 55 HERE
Order one for me, too!
Mine's up!
I am waving from outside, "Enjoy!"
So you're basically Norm from "Cheers" there? Pretty sweet, G-Man!
Sorry to disappoint, but I have no 55 this week, thanks to my boss.
(Come on lucky MegaMillions ticket!)
That is the best looking burger - I could use one for breakfast along with an ice cold G & T.
Flash 55 - The Monster
Ok G-man, it has been this kind of week-
Who knew you could get a craving for burgers first thing in the morning? Yum!
Mine's up. Happy weekend!
Love those dark hole-in-the-wall places. Like Cheers everyone knows your name! :) I have to try some olives on a burger...who would have thought...anyway will try my best today! Cheers to you G-Man.
You can't even buy a perfectly ground pound of chuck for$2.50 anymore. Where is this place?
Love your 55.
Here's a link to mine.
Gotta learn how to make this a link. Maybe by next week.
Yummy 55, Galen! Now I know what I want for lunch - but I'll have my olives on side :) I love hearing bits and pieces of conversations like that.
My 55: Flight of Fancy
I love local bars! $2.50 is a great deal! Your 55 has me craving beer and greasy food - I love it.
Happy Friday, Galen!
Mine's here
Re. your comment on my blog...Nice try, G-Man, but wrong rabbit! Try HERE to learn two more long words! LOL
Love this, made me chuckle. I've lived near that bar, a few times.
Here's mine.
Where everybody knows your name?
Burgers are good.
My 55 are up here
hahahah... loved this, Galen! The important (and oh so wise) conversations in a pub!! Always a pleasure to be part of ;-)
You have an AWESOME weekend, Mr. G!!!
And here's my 55er...
I think I'll just have a beer. :-)
Hey you! I know I already wrote my 55, but tonight I wrote ABOUT the 55. :)
That's it, I'm BBQ'ing tomorrow. Mine's up: http://reaper282.blogspot.com/2011/03/fff-55-vol-x-proposal.html
I was almost late. Here's mine.
Sounds like a great place to get a burger. Fun read! Thanks for sharing.
gotta love a good sleazy burger joint!!!!
Miss you, gman, got got got got no time
no time
no time!
I am hungry!
And I am LATE!
Here is mine:
Sweet & tasty FF55.
Yes back east they do have the best "dive" bars and diners for great food.
Just wanted to say 'hi' I took a hiatus from blogging for a couple of weeks and have not yet got back in the flow of things yet. I came across 20 weird words but will only post ten here for you to have fun and ponder-- my FF 55
1. Erinaceous
Like a hedgehog
2. Lamprophony
Loudness and clarity of voice
3. Depone
To testify under oath
4. Finnimbrun
A trinket or knick-knack
5. floccinaucinihilipilification
Estimation that something is valueless. Proper pronunciation based on Latin roots: flockə-nowsə-nəkələ-pələ-fək-ation.
6. Inaniloquent
Pertaining to idle talk
7. Limerance
An attempt at a scientific study into the nature of romantic love.
8. Mesonoxian
Pertaining to midnight
9. Mungo
A dumpster diver – one who extracts valuable things from trash
10. Nihilarian
A person who deals with things lacking importance (pronounce the ‘h’ like a ‘k’).
Yes dive bars are great at times I'll never forget "Dirty Dicks" here in Roseburg Oregon. they have great burgers and chillie Doggs to die for.
sorry i missed friday but I'll be back next week.
oh my god!! that burger looks amazing i think i can feel my arteries clogging just looking at it, as my mouth waters...
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