At 4:55 AM on a moonless July morning, he could see
the coastal silhouette of Ogunquit (Algonquin for"Beautiful
Place by the Sea") coming into view.
What a GENIUS set-up they had!!
Load a fishing trawler in Key Largo.
Work your way slowly and unnoticed up the Inter-Coastal.
Unload in Maine.........MAINE???
(Chuckles to himself.......)
Uh Oh...I can hear a Glenn Frey song in the background...
"It's a losing proposition,
but one you can't refuse.
It's the politics of contraband,
it's the smugglers blues"!!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man...
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment......Then BOOK!!
So from the most clandestine host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Hey, I was born and raised right next to Maine! And I love me some Glennn Frey.
Mark Twain's iPhoneis mine.
de wango de tango! :)
nice...great song...maine...dont they have lobster or crab there?
assisting Ti this week as well..
Titanium's 55
My 55
jannie can i get a translation on wango de tango...it sounds a bit risque...
So that's how they do it. Come creeping up from The Keys. Cool 55. Glenn Fry/Eagles rock! For St. Patty's I distilled mine into 55...
Southern Discomfort
Key Largo to Maine--what a trip! The human's 55 is here. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2011/03/17/wearing-o-the-green/
Brian, Ted Nugent, I think? :)
Yes indeed Kiddies.
The Motor City Madman...Terrible Ted Nugent!
I believe the songs about Dialing O on the Pink Telephone....:-)
Maine always makes me think of Stephen King. Creepy but interesting, in a "No, thanks, I'll stay here in Michigan" kind of way.
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
Fun work, good write.
Thanks again. =)
Here's mine.
Well them folks in Maine had a good time I'm sure...
The monkey
Thanks for hosting us yet again G
Pusher! Word pusher. Great kick off, G.
My 55 is HERE.
I like Glenn Frey. And the word clandestine.:)
Why thank you Miss Begotten, I'll input that in my database...:-)
Great G-man I'm getting ready to go to bed and now I have the "Smuggler's Blues" running through my head! Liked your 55, and hoping you have a great weekend! My 55 is up!
'..Don't touch my bags if you please, Mr. Customs Man...'oops--wrong coast, wrong artist--same principle, though.
My mind has been playing in the cereal this week--more whole graininess from me here:
aw man...I know how this story ends
"and now for our top story"...a 55 from 77'
Peace, hp
my 55
that's one helluva a long haul!
i'm here...and then i'll be gone....
Well, it wouldn't be the most bizarre thing a smuggler tried. Still, a bit like taking coal to Newcastle...
I'm in here.
Love that photo..!! The words too.
lost in a maze
I don't get it
Pole dancers
That's how most people end up in Maine (accidentally). Just kidding!
A mother's pessimism is described in my 55.
It all sounds so intriguing, Galen. And a wee bit dangerous, too. The sounds of the 80's. :)
My 55: The End
Mine is up too, believe it or not.
Have a wicked weekend!
Key Largo to Maine is quite a way, isn't it?
You'll find mine here.
Nothing wrong with Maine. Just a very long way from Key Largo!
My 55 is up here
I love the names of cities you mention here !!
Good lines in theend of post :)
My try for this week is here : Biscuits
Traveling the extremes for a fun time.
Flash 55 - If Memory Serves
hey guys I put up mine
No peaceful easy feeling, eh? Bet it's still pretty with a tequila sunrise...
Here's mine:
Ah so that's how they do it!
Mine's up.
I'm aboard with my cargo
'The smugglers blues' now thats a unique perpective
You lost me at "4:55 a.m." LOL.
Mine is up, Mr. G Man sir. :-)
Now I know.. :)
Nice song there Galen!
Hugs xx
I think I get the Maine point...nice. I got a point too.
Too funny.
Mine's up...no, really. :) Have a wonderful weekend!
Really now? Who'd a thunk!
Mine is HERE
And a great Friday it is! with sunshine
warm temperatures, and a topic! Thanks for posting.Have a great weekend.
Here is mine. Love the picture.
Good morning! I've seen that little town in Maine. Lovely coastline. Great seafood, especially fried clams. Yum! Great 55.
Here's mine at Roses to Rainbows
an inviting escape for all,
exquisite 55 for many,
fabulous view ...
Happy Friday,
here is My 55,
lovely imagery...
my 55 today deals with the tragedy in Japan at http://instantwords.blogspot.com/2011/03/natures-fury.html
...lots of talent comes from Detroit, Michigan!
I have a You-Tube clip of my son singing. He wasn't born in Michigan, but we lived in Petoskey for 7 years and go back in the summer for a stint...
My 55
A tiny step into the Friday Flash 55 world.
Glenn Frey and 'Strange Weather' accompany me on my power walks!
Smuggle me some coffee! Thanks to Brian, I only missed out on part of this week's fun. Zipping around to visit everyone now...
Thanks for another 55, G-Man.
fun 55 G-Man..
Someone is Special
I've been to Maine - it was okay - a nice place to visit kinda thing.
I started working on a 55 this week, but then it grew into a 66 - then it became a 99 - so I just decided to let it grow and posted the end product - all 193 words of it!
Ha! You are a card Mr G. I am in here
I wrote one and did not post it until now, I believe that you deserve a tickle...
Here is my original 55:You, She I, Thanks for reading!
Happy Weekend....
Oooh... I smell somethin' fishy here, G-Man.. ;-)
Going unnoticed is the "key"!!
My 55's up... here
We are planning on checking out Maine for Summer Vacation...;)
Hope to see you before midnight!
Galen: I haven't forgotten you! I'm going through some rough personal times right now. Only have access to the computer off and on again. Tough times. But hope eventually to write some. Best as always. D
I've always wanted to visit Maine...
I'm tardy, but I did play. Happy Friday, Galen!
What's in the little blue box?
Here we go..really getting the hang of this now :)
My 55 offering this week as follows:
Talk about a trip!
Good one, G-Man!
i can just see the pink jacket with the sleeves pushed up ala Miami Vice. i have a feeling you and i are of the same generation. either that or you know a lot about recent history. {smile} loved it! dani
here's the link to my 55 ~
I've gone and mucked up my blog with a bunch of old crap, so the 55 is no longer on top. Here's the direct link:
Nowhere is safe now. Check that HERE.
swinging through picking up the last couple...happy saturday g!
Heh heh.
Been there-
done that-
years back... similar, very similar... go where you are not expected, heh heh...
Warm Aloha to you
from Honolulu!
Comfort Spiral
65! Whoa now!
i got got got no time
no time
no time....
Good Evening, G-man:
basically scanned all the offers in 55 words,
enjoyed most of the treats.
Happy Sunday 2 u.
Have been out for the day, thus I am kind of late...
See you later.
I've only been to Maine once - pretty, but I don't think I'd want their winters.
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