I have a small confession to make.
My post?
It was all Bull-Shit!!
There were no personal computers in the late 60's!!!
We still used SLIDE-RULES for Pete's Sake !!
The Commadore 64 came out in the 80's!!
The last pic is a Commadore 55, but it's a 70's calculator!!
The middle 2 pics are also Commadore 55's, but they are
nothing more than model cars...
I hope this doesn't ruin my credibility...hehehehe.
All this 55 talk is reminding me that...That...Shoot, I forgot!
See Ya Friday...(Or 8:00PM EST Thursday)
ah you are just a futuristic kind of guy -- dreaming about what was to come.....I shouldn't tell but I worked in a large computer room in the late 60"s for a toy manufacturer we designed 'new' toys It took a whole room to produce some data, from punch cards that were typed in and that room was darn cold.
I knew better, but I figured you had something up your sleeve, G-Man.
Ha- I didn't comment yesterday ya know why? growing up in Silicon Valley (down the street from the famous HP garage)I kinda know computer history - though I dont know main frame in the midwest in someone's house hmmm possible
my kids were given one of the first Mac's by one of the many who made a mint in the early Apple Days
Nice Try though
But they had singing Commodores in the 70s. I'm going to try to actually see Thursday evening morph into Friday tomorrow night.:P
nice...it was the 64 we had...commodore 55s eh...hmm...
i would have never known!!! but i love the simple honesty in this post, well done galen!! hope to post a fff this week. the roofers are coming tomorow
Shall we change your name to Mr Bull-Shit? Hehe.
Dude you used a slide rule, my old man used a slide rule and as far as i know everyone in America used a slide rule---except for me. I got knocked down 55 times for not being able to use a slide rule. At least i thought it was 55 times...i had no way of knowing because they didn't have calculators back then. They had Commodores.
I nearly choked when I read KB's comment. LOL
I didn't even think of the decade - just remembered the machines. And now you mentioned slide-rulers and I'm getting hives (I'm allergic to math)!
Is there really a car that sounds like commode!
Whew! I knew that but wasn't going to correct you. I was taught to always respect your elders.
Sometimes we need to take poetic license...and you are surely entitled to a little! ;)
When I was a teenager in the 80's, we couldn't afford a Commodore 64 so we got the wimpier version-- a Commodore Vic-20.
I have no idea how anyone was ever able to accomplish anything on those.
I didn't even notice the date in that last post. I got my first laptop in 1992.
i was gonna say....i remember when the 64 came out. i was in high school.
We had 2 Vic 20's, 2 C64's, 2 Commosore disc drives and an Amiga - before Commodore went bust and we moved on to Macs. The University department I worked in (late 70's) was full of Commodore Pets . . some with as much as 32K (that's K) of storage. I remember at one Faculty Meeting, during the usual battle for research funds, a colleague in Electrical Engineering saying "How can the Mechanical Engineers possibly claim they need more than 16K storage" Those were the days!
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