You know Perseus, you should stop whining about
the pidily little obstacles that you have had to overcome
so far. Although I do admit that Medussa was kind of
a snaky bitch, consider yourself lucky!
Especially since I got so drunk last night, instead of
yelling release the Krakken, I screamed .....
"Release The Gherkin"!!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment, Then BOOK!!!!
So from the most Mythological host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
That was a classic movie...the first one. Never did see the remake.
My 55 is HERE.
Release the Gherkin?! Wow.
I think Medusa is kinda hot.
Lovely 55. Have a great weekend!
Mine's here
Wow. Two weeks in a row. Not bad for a working stiff.
That's funny! I posted an animated poem for y'all this week. Hope you enjoy...
Winter Memory- an animated poem in 55 words
oooOOOOoooo watchout Madussa he is drunk again! obstacles schmobstacles...when your are hanging with the gods!
I got one.
hmm. This is a "classic" I have never seen... Am I missing out?
Let's see if I can get the link right this week...
My 55
Monkey man--the remake--not good.
Gman, you rock! Stay warm!!
Classics I love. The original Clash of the Titans was a favorite. When he cut Medussa's head off, I swear it was a ketchup bottle pouring out! :O)
Original Jason and the Argonauts was a good film for the times (early 60s?)
Wouldn't be surprised if Zeus was tongue tied - ha
hmmm mine has an old movie backdrop as well.
would love to know if people can come up with an answer...
Thanks Mr. G for what you do to make us feel welcome each week
hahaha...you are a nut...i mean pickle...err...
my 55 is up...
and got a little surprise for you at the end of mine...
The "Clash" remake is bland - with a sequel greenlit for next year.
My spur-of-the-moment 55 is here.
Meant to also write - chuckled at your story, great end-line.
Gherkin, Krakken...it's the sort of mistake anyone could make. :)
Mine's up.
Truly, the Gherkin is scarier than Medusa.:-)
Drat! I ate a jar of pickles this week and should totally have yelled this beforehand.
Ahh, missed opportunities.
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
LOL!!! Release the Gherkin!! Too funny.
My entry is here
Release the Gherkin!
Baaahhhhh!!! beware...
Got one up for you here
Well you know Wisconsin "Milwaukee baby dills" can rank right up there with cheese curds! Classic as usual G-man. Mine is up so have a rockin weekend.....
The hell with the movie. I'm thinking you'd look dynamite as a Gherkin for Halloween. You'd totally rock that look.
Mine's up.
Oh my God - Jason and The Argonauts! I watched that when I was a little girl and it gave me nightmares - those skeletons featured in some of my nightmares!
Now I'm gonna be scared of gherkins! Thanks a lot, Galen! ;)
My 55: Cycles
Ha! wonderful imagination.....not real, right?
We've played "hide the gherkin" since Christmas. No, Galen, not THAT gherkin, a small glass pickle ornament sold by Pier 1 Imports as a German tradition to hang a pickle on the tree. Whoever finds it Christmas morn gets a present......Ha!
I'm back, not funny but back, HERE
Fab Di
Great take on a classic. You'll find mine here.
First mushrooms now pickles, how will I ever explain this to my partner when I burst out laughing when we have gherkins on the side.
This small 55 took me forever to write I changed it so many times, I'm not even sure what I wrote.
But did ----
Have a great week end,
Love your take on my favourite movie G! "Release the Guerkin" LOL
Mine's up.
Well I try but a story in 55? Ahem dont laugh ok :)
Yours was nice though.
i love medusa !! Always :)
here's my 55 words -
Pleasures of flesh
I think I'll agree she was a snaky bitch eh?
you will find mine at the end of this link.
Death and Carnage
Oh dear ... I don't normally drink but have had a few Bailey's Irish creams tonight to sooth frayed nerves!! And the first thing I thought when you said you screamed "Release the Gherkin" was which gherkin???? He he he (iza being naughty)
Too good! I kind of loved the pictures too!
Here is mine:
the wind too is kind
Funny! What else can I say? You make me laugh.
Mine is here: http://thehalfwaypoint.net/2011/02/lost-on-the-beaten-path/
Have a fantastic weekend!
What a pickle he's gotten himself into! Loved it. Mine is HERE
I remember ol' Percy - got himself into a real pickle! (LOL!)
The remake was pretty cool, effects-wise, but not as charming as the original movie.
Here's my 55, based on true-life experiences: SEIZURE
This cracked me up! You are the man!
My 55 is up here - Salty
"release the Krakken" Is what we say when we let the moose dog out of her "bed"
Kinda in the dark on this one, but "release the gherkin" was cute.
Mine is here at Roses to Rainbows
Our weather has improved a lot!
your 55 is a tossed salad of imagery
I mean...wait...awww, man
Peace, hp
Have fun, will travel!
(no luck involved)
good plan, a great motto, Thanks!
Release the Gherkin? That must have been some truly godly wine drinkin.
Oooookay, moving on...I'm playin, by Zeus.
Here's mine: Rich
You have a strange, strange mind, G-Man!
I love that movie!
Mine's here.
I must admit to my own Medusa days.
Here's mine: http://wantofwords.blogspot.com/
Medusa is interesting indeed...
Yea, driving is not the only thing you should watch when you get drunk!
My 55ve is HERE
I loved that old movie..:D I know a few snaky bitches around here...hope to have something composed before the snakes depart!
I'm going to have nightmares about Pickle Man.
hahahaha... you are quite a MythoGuru, aren't you, G?!??! :))
Pickle...eeewww!! :))
Okay... here's my icy 55 for you!!
"Release The Gherkin"!!! LOL Love the interaction of wordplay in this one. Nice, G. Late to the party. Forgot these go up Thurs. night. My bad.
Mine's Here
Gin & Tonic Seizure
I'm extremely late, I know. But does it help that you made me laugh?
I'm still trying to get over the site of the Big Boss being crowned while wearing a red dress.
But mine's up. Does it count that I wrote it on Thursday but didn't post until 4 minutes ago?
Have a great weekend!
Oh, what a pickle! Mine is finally up. Hope this finds you well, my friend. D
release the gherkin? hhmm... double entendre maybe?
Hi G-Man. Classic prompt-pictures. I have posted a 55 HERE
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