He cooks all his meals in One pot.
He loves Tulips!
On the rare occasion that he has a dinner date...
She has to pay for her own meal!!
He's Uncircumsized.
He smells faintly of dark chocolate and Amstel Light.
He has wooden clogs!
He once stuck a finger in Rosie O'Donnell...
His Nickname is......?
I'm thinking it's NOT Frenchie!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man...
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most Freaky-Deaky host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Cookie?!? Aren't all wagon train cooks named Cookie? Oh well.
My 55 is HERE.
Now I am supposed to say.....I forget.
Shoot! I wanted to be firrrrst. But Blogger rejected me.
Interesting 55. Quite a Rosie o Donnell twist there at the end.
Miine will be up tomorrow morning.
No way Jannie Blogger couldn't reject you!!!
you can't tell me that cryptic message was all in 55
Castle Life
Thanks for hosting weekly - I just got done hosting OSP appreciate what you do.
rosie odonnell...ewww...the mental image is too much...lol
my 55 is up!
All that and still single?
Mine will be up in the morning!
Ummmm...am I in the right place? I was looking for Friday 55, but I think I stumbled into TMI Tuesday?!? :D
Oh well. Mine's up.
Um... Dark chocolate and Amstel light?
Rosie O'donnell?
Oh no, I can't go there.
Happy Friday G-man!
Mine's here
the dark chocolate was good, then you went and conjured up rosie...
i'm here
Umm -- what?!:-)
Nobody gets this?
C'Mon people...
Whats that kettle called that he is standing in front of?
What country is known for Tulips?
Wooden Clogs?
I'm flabergasted!!
Every trait of that guy is OBVIOUS!
Why do I have so much trouble with my direct link? I will try it one more time. " ... flippity-flappit!"
isn't that in holland where all the dutch people are.
Murder He Wrote
Some people call them Dutch ovens.
Ewww Ew Ewwww!
As long as his name isn't Galen.
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
Dark chocolate.... Dutch cocoa...???
Does "going Dutch" have a double meaning I'm unaware of? :)
I'm not even gonna take a stab (no pun intended) in where exactly he stuck his finger in Rosie!
My 55: Crimson
I guess we'll have to open his pants and check first :D
Uh. My 55ve is up Here
Yeah, you had me up until the Rosie O'Donnell part, too. Ick!
Mine is here at Roses to Rainbows
Have a great weekend!
Hmmm those dutch boys know how to plug up damns I've heard
always a fun time here
When it comes to pop culture, I'm clueless. I just can't imagine any man with Rosie. Wanna drop me another clue?
Mine is up
(Last Linky didn't work)
Dutch! his nickname is Dutch! Cuz he's a Dutch uncle with dutch ovens with a tacky Rosie joke where I'm not going and...what do you mean, somebody already figured it out? oh :C...story of my life
Okay, I'm playin this time, and because I haven't played for a while, I did two 55's for the price of one.
San Francisco Farewell
I had a nickname all ready, until I read he smelled faintly of Dark Chocolate. At that point I rode over to the market for some chocolate...
But NOT BEFORE I posted a Flash "55"
There are a couple of those references I don't get (must be a US/UK thing) but I know all about clogs and tulips.
I grew up on the east coast of England and if you head straight across the sea you get to the Netherlands (aka Holland - where the Dutch live)
My 55 is up here: http://morningaj.blogspot.com/2011/02/fff55-bug-phobia.html
Intriguing question. You'll find mine You'll find mine here.
My first thought was G???? Then I thought naw. I haven't a clue.
Mine's up.
Hmm. I will wait to know the answer!
lined up..
I was distracted by his incredibly tan skin, the dark chocolate and Rosie. And I much prefer this kind of dutch oven than the other. (Thank goodness blogging hasn't found a way to incorporate olfactory cues yet.)
Here's mine: http://thehalfwaypoint.net/2011/02/just-a-second/
Have a fantastic weekend.
Dutch, ha ha ha! Well played there!
I have missed this 55 the past couple weeks. But today I am Without Words.
hahaha ... she has to pay for her own meal .. interesting :))
My 55er here
You Guys....Hahahaha
lol geeze man, that's just right out there aint it? nickname huh??
I'm thinkin maybe "Rooster"
my 55 is here:
"They call me Sweets"
Peace, hp
Haha ..nice Friday flash :)
Mine is here friend :
wow, what a yummy 55,
Have been taking a break, Glad to be back with My 55
Enjoyed your beautiful creativity here.
Happy Friday!
Mine's up. Have a great weekend!
Where ARE the Tulips?!
Come on man I want them!!!
A cook that can't do that isn't worth his SALT! ( hhee hhee) Thanks.
hope he washes that one pot.
i tried one.
Hello again, G-Man! I have taken a leaf out of your pot salesman's book HERE
I like a man who can cook, likes flowers and enjoys dark chocolate. The deal killer is one who has ANYTHING to do with Rosie O.
I'm late but I am playing this week. I can be found HERE
You are such a stickler for details.
I don't know his name, but I can tell you one of those dates wouldn't be with me!
Er. . . er . . G-Man. He isn't STANDING in from of anything. He's squatting behind them. Is he perhaps a scrap merchant? Are his witches' cauldrons bubbling with snake oil? I love his stetson.
Oh Lord, it is the end of the week and you are peppering us with riddles? Thank goodness I am here late so don't have to use the scraps of brain I have left to think (Dutch is the winner!) No ovens at my place today
I guess he couldn't possibly drink a really nice chardonnay or a good cabernet - but, otherwise, he seems better than a lot of guys I know!
I'm at:
Well my dear I italicized and indented the 55 and even put it in quotes- Sorry, I can't think of any thing else...Have a great week!
I will be late again Mr. G...
Did you know Rosie? :D
You have quite a sense of humor, G Man!! :)
Oh..and btw, I think his nickname is Amst Urr Damn!! :)
The Rosie O'Donnell image was like super ewww, G... hehehe
Enjoyed this one!!
Here's my Flash 55 for this week, my friend...
You have a KICK-ASS weekend, G!!! :)
Hi, Galen. Little late. Just had tooth pulled and feeling crummy. But mine is up.
Now what was the cook's name on Wagon Train?? I forget. D
ha. you will never believe what i found yesterday...took pics and will use it next friday...
The cook on Wagon Train was Charlie Wooster.
The cook on Rawhide was Wishbone!
Ohhh, you are so clever. But did you have to bring up Rosie?
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