Whens the last time that you've seen a Take-Out
Pizza in a brown bag? That the way they came
Pre cardboard box.
Family owned and operated since the Mid-50's, their
crust is so chewy.... and delicious hot AND cold!!
crust is so chewy.... and delicious hot AND cold!!
See how pliable the crust is? Not stiff and thick like
the franchise places.
This pizza really takes me back to my childhood.
Just as it does my son Reese.
You don't find pizza like that here in the Pacific North West,reminds me of New York and Chicago when I lived back there.
pizza is like dancing it is good for the heart and soul,,,
ok, well i admit, i've never even heard of pizza in a bag. but i sure could go for some pizza!
I'm partial to my local non-franchise pizzaria, but that sounds like some great pizza. I've never seen pizza come in a bag, though.
Real Tomato Pie!!!!
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
Panzerotti usually comes in a bag. When I was a kid we used to go to a pizzeria that had re & white check tablecloths (with plastic covers for all us sloppy kids). The pizza was served on big old-fashioned platters and the tables round with wine kegs for a table base. We alwasy ate in, but I bet they delivered in bags. Yum! Enjoy
so am i invited over to try this pie? it looks great...in a bag...nope never had it that way...
That looks so scrumptious! We still haven't found a decent pizza place here...sigh...
It's like fish 'n chips - always used to be wrapped in newspaper (my parents owned a Fish 'n Chip shop when I was growing up) and an outside wrap of brown paper with a piece of paper tape. Now it's either in those styrofoam holders or cardboard boxes and it's just not the same...
GOD That looks goooood, mmmm pizza, i think i just raised my glucous levels!!
hhm yes I remember the oldtime pizza days and how great they were back in the day.
Photo shoot
have a great week.
Pizza in a bag...yummo!
damn, now i'm hungry!
Yep i remember The Red Devil at Greenfield and Fenkell used to ship 'em out that way too. I loved that grease slipping down the arm as you ate. Best Pie in Detroit.
Pizza party at g's place? :)
I'm not a Pizza fan.
Shake n Bake? That is really retro G. Next time wait until I've eaten...my stomach is reahing out to this one.
I have never seen pizza in a bag but I love it when the pepperoni gets crunchy and rounds up on the edges like in your photo.
The last time I saw take-out pizza in a brown bag was... never! But I'm sure it's GREAT pizza if it's got the G-Man seal of approval.
OMG DID YOU SEE ALL THE PEPPERONI ON THERE? Never ever do you get that much pepperoni even when you ask for extra from the Hut. Not even when my daughter is working does she put that much on! Sigh
Boy that pizza looks so good I really want to come there and eat some.that pizza it sure does make my mouth water just looking at it.
I want that!
Not ever seen pizza in a bag, but I do love pizza. (Sans pepperoni, of course.)
Oh, now when you see take out pizza packaged like that, you sooo know it's going to be P.E.R.F.E.C.T :)
I read all about your Flash Fiction Fridays and I think I'm going to give it a shot...it sound like a good time.
Ahh, pizza in a bag. There should really be no other way.
Spaghetti in a bag? Maybe not.
Yummmyyyy, I want some pizza right now... as it is 230am and I am on night shift, and yeah... pizza would go down just nicely :)
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