Thursday, December 16, 2010

Friday Flash 55.....


So let me get this straight...
Your name is Santa Claus?
You have no car..You have sleigh with reindeer?
You park sleigh on peoples roof.
You sneak your way into peoples homes.
You eat the food that you say is left for you?
Then...You leave them presents?

Santa......? I've been very good boy!



If you or anyone you know have written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man...
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!
So from the most gracious Ho Ho Host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!


Anonymous said...

You tell him, G-Man!

Where on earth did this week go? Time flies when you’re having fun or when you’re too busy to keep it in its flight pen.

I unthawed a few words, right here.

moondustwriter said...

Ok so I just got here peering around for people...

Millie said...

What a holiday 55! My human wrote a 55. It is here.

KB said...

I've been good too Santa.
Mine's up. Have a great weekend G!

moondustwriter said...

Well I hope he let him off!!!

Great lead up to Christmas. Does Santa have security codes so he doesnt set off alarms?

Ok here's mine Snowflakes are in season

thanks G for your cheer (all year round)

Way 2 Go Ti
Moonie smiles

secret agent woman said...

Why is Santa wearing a pope hat?

Anonymous said...

I've been bad Santa but I'm trying. I promise! •crossing fingers. LOL Great 55 :) Mine is up HERE. I hope you have a great weekend.

Monkey Man said...

He does sound kind of fishy, doesn't he.

My 55 is HERE .

Anonymous said...

Me too! I've been good! I'll leave milk and cookies. :)

Mine is here

sheila said...

CUTE, lol. That's freaking hysterical! Wonderful 55! Here's mine...:o)

Brian Miller said...

hehe. or hoho...santas got some mean breaking and entering skills..

mine is up...

Unknown said...

Please tell Santa I've been a very good girl this year! I will make him some cocoa and leave carrots for his reindeer!

Mine 55 can be found Here

Myrna R. said...

I think we've all been good kids.

I posted my 55.

Me said...

Poor Santa...wonder if he'll make bail? ;)

As promised, I am in. Mine is HERE.

gautami tripathy said...

I wonder kind of present I gonna get. Being Hindu and all!

But Santa has no such discriminations..!!

May you gets lots of presents!


Here is my 55er:

a picture

G-Man said...

You get a new Tandori Oven..:-)

magiceye said...

:) loved it!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

that's playful and beautiful 55.

I posted mine at blogger...
Thanks for the challenge.

Janna said...

Poor kid...
Just wait til everyone finds out what he did with that iguana and the jello last summer.

Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)

Jerry said...

OK G. here is part two of a Christmas 55 trilogy. Have a great week end Man.

gautami tripathy said...

Ha! I already own a Tandoori oven! How about diamond-studded platinum studs?!! LOL!

BTW, I would like you to read dead man and his shoe painting, although it is not a 55er. Please do let me know what you think!!! (no hurry)

hedgewitch said...

What, Santa's not going to do a Lock Up:Raw Christmas special for us? The kids will be so disappointed.

I wrote a thing for Magpie Tales that's about as Christmas-y as I feel like I'm going to get this year.It's 52 words, so it's going to do double duty as my 55. If you've already made the magpie run, you've probably seen it. If not, it's here:
Mother and Child

lime said...

lol, poor santa....can't even do his job without getting harassed.

my computer finally cooperated enough to let me post here

Someone is Special said...

Of course.. Nice one G-Man..

Here is mine..


Romantic Evening

--Someone is Special--

TALON said...

Yay! No tickets for Santa! Loved it, Galen! Hope you have a fabulous weekend!

My 55 is here

Serena said...

His story does sound pretty hinky, don't you think?

katrin said...

Ahh i have been a good girl

Claudia said...

ha - nice one g-man
you know what - i would love to join him on his sleigh..

my 55

Dianne said...

mine is up, look at the previous post for humor though.

Belinda Munoz said...

You know, my 3yo has asked similar questions! How do you retain those child-like qualities, G-man?

Mine is here:

Thanks for hosting another fun round!

joanna said...

Can it be? no one yahtzeed? Umm!
Well then I don't feel too bad having an obsession with old things-- the post I planned on had a plan of its own,,, so this is its sit in....


joanna said...

would you a 'good boy' Galen or were you naughty this past year?

fun 55er...


Mona said...

Yes, it is very important to make all the enquiries first. Santa sounds like a thief by your description :D

Galen My 55ve is Here

MorningAJ said...

Sometimes naughty can be good!

Hootin Anni said...

LOL...this is precious. So so good. Of course, I'm a kid at heart, so anything Santa pleases me.

Mine is posted

As always, scroll down below my show n tell for Friday. Oh, and in case it's not been said yet...have a KICK ASS WEEKEND!!

Bubba said...

"Oh Santa Claus, Oh Santa Claus, He breaks lots of laws... he trespasses... he breaks and enters... he travels all around the world without a valid passport."

Mine's up! Winter

izzy said...

Thanks! he is a speed demon too! not many stoplights in the sky- Merry-

Anonymous said...

Hey, G-man. Glad you like presents. I brought one from Playing for Change to share this week.

Happy Holidays everyone.

Find your present here.

izzy said...

Sorry- forgot the link!

drybottomgirl said...

Well I've been naughty and nice so let's hope Santa is forgiving!!! Have a great weekend and a very Merry Christmas! Mine is up, hugs....

Akelamalu said...

I've been a good girl, I hope Santa visits me. ;)

Mine's up.

Anonymous said...

Great stuff as always.

Have a good weekend, Boonie

HisFireFly said...

Here's my 55 -

John (@bookdreamer) said...

You can't believe a man who wants to know if children have been good... To hear or read my illustrated 55 click here

Unknown said...

Aww... how cute is that!!!
Mark my work, G.. he'll come by your place too... I saw him in the sky last night.. he seemed real busy, you know :)

So.. here's my 55... maaaaaan, I think I've really lost it!! whheeww..

Caroline Ross said...

Oh, this made me laugh out loud. Very good punch line G-man! Thanks for hosting, and Merry Christmas!

Here's mine:

Katherine Krige said...

haha! Love it. Great pic to go with your 55 G! Mine are here

Evalinn said...

Nice one! :-) I´ll write mine now...

Evalinn said...

AND you renovated over here. It´s nice!

Tina said...

Grin. Very good indeed! Mine is here.

Donnetta said...

Hi, Galen: A likely story! Very cute.

Mine is up. Later, gater. D

hope said...

And I bet you've been a very good boy this year as well. :)

Happy holidays to you and the ones you love.

Jannie Funster said...

Galen is always a good boy!!

I'll be playing again sometime after Christmas. Still love you, even tho I'm not in this week.


Mona said...

Mona said...

That is the whole point G. The Satire is on the Disclaimer, The way ppl say just anything about anybody, after a disclaimer, and get away with it. I got the idea of writing that 55ve after having watched a TV programme that maligns ppl after putting disclaimers before the show!

The 55ve is a SATIRE

December 18, 2010 3:09 PM

Shrinky said...

Och, I'd just have saved myself the time of convincing him, and confiscated his sack - but maybe that's just me..

Hope you find Santa brings all your hearts desire, this Christmas!