Monday, September 27, 2010

No-Info Tuesday.......

Hi Everybody...
A buddy of mine's Father-In-Law passed away recently.
His family has owned over 640 acres in the Mountains of
West Virginia for decades.
He has been buggin me to
go with him to visit the place for several years, and since I am
in Dire Need of a vacation, I finally relented.
So this Thursday Morning I am setting out for a very remote
and rustic getaway. All I know at this point is that I drive South on US-77 until I get to The Possum Hollow exit. Any way, I suspect that internet access is quite limited, but I have made arrangements for Friday Flash 55 to go on without skipping a beat.
Details will be disclosed later this week.
Mr. Knowitall has been very busy as of late, and has NOTHING to say tonight!
My Buddy also alluded to the fact that his FIL quite possibly may have dabbled in illegal distillation of alcoholic beveridges....
Really? In God-Fearing Rural West Virginia?
We shall soon find out....
See you tomorrow for One Shot Wednesday...


izzy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brian Miller said... deserve the break g...

Brian Miller said...

hope you enjoy the time in possum hoolow...thanks for being a great friend...

and since the yahtzee deleted, does that make mine the new yahtzee...dont know where to check the rule book on this one...smiles.

izzy said...

Can't have Mis-spellings, sorry. Possum Hollow! that is Arthur Rackam at his best!! sorry about the circumstances though.

Serena said...

Sorry about the passing of your friend's FIL, but do have yourself a high ol' time in Possum Hollow. You may need the illegally distilled beverage after all that rural communing.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the passing of your friends FIL. May he rest in peace. Say hi to Granny for me. She makes fine moonshine!!!

Caty said...

You have a great time on your rustic getaway. Enjoy being free from cyberspace for a bit :)

One Prayer Girl said...

West Virginia is a beautiful state. My first husband went to school in Charleston, W. Va. and I visited. I saw many of the "hollers".

Have a fabulous time. Glad you decided to treat yourself to accepting this kind invitation. We'll be waiting to hear all about it.

I wish someone would explain all the "yahtzee"ing to me.


the walking man said...

The closer his land is to Virginia the more likely he'd been brewing up some likker. Have a good trip and find a good stout stick about five feet in length to help you up and down the back country trails.

drive safe.

lime said...

safe travels and my your friend's family find comfort.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Mountin' Mama, take me hooooooome....

...och well enjoy it, dude!

Anonymous said...

I wish you a good time.

Dianne said...

Woot! Woot! Burly-biker-Braves the Wilderness! Now you have my interest piqued! Can't wait to hear the limerics/short stories/adventures! And photos! Lots of scenic photos!

Bubba said...

The problem with West Virginia acreage is that most of it is measured vertically! (LOL!)

Have a great time and bring me back some of that moonshine, G-Man!

Maude Lynn said...

Drive safe, G-Man!

petra michelle; Whose role is it anyway? said...

Have a great time, G-Man! And perhaps you can bring some of the likker back and share! :))

Akelamalu said...

Ooooooh Moonshine!!!

You take care now y'hear. ;)

Lulda Casadaga said...

I love WV...hell, it's ritch next door honeychild! Enjoy the air, varmits and the moonshine g!!

clean and crazy said...

sounds like your in for a howling good time, even the funerals are fun in the south!!

hope said...

Sorry to hear about the loss. But I hope you find some enjoyment from your trip.

Now repeat after me, "No, I did NOT know hope was going to take a vacation next week." :)

Monkey Man said...

I pay tribute to you Michiganders in my What the Hell Wednesday tomorrow.

secret agent woman said...

Moonshine - blech. I've had it, of course, but I do not like it. But West Virginia is a beautiful place.

One Stop - The Place For Poets, Writers and Artists said...

so you may dig up some retro "Moon-shine?"

Have a great time G

Millie said...

This could be quite an interesting trip it sounds like! Have fun.

Nessa said...

I hear banjos.