Thursday, September 23, 2010

Friday Flash 55.....


.....And that was Brian Miller with,
"I outed you...You crazy Bitch"!
The G-Man here on B.L.O.G. Radio.
Coming up on the hour...
Friday Flash Fifty-Five with Yours Truly.
Sunday 160 with that Simeon Sensation.. Monkey Man.
And Micro-Fiction Monday hosted by The Mensan Munchkin.
Proudly sponsored by...RALLY's
"Ya Gotta Eat".


More Drama this week than a Euripides play! Hehehehe...
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!!!


Anonymous said...

G-Man, you’ve done it again! Way to kick off a totally kick-ass weekend. 

On another note…
Every once in a while, a woman’s gotta lay down some ground-fire.

Today was one of those days. I’ve got 55 words that aren’t for the faint of heart.

Anonymous said...


Oh, make that a triple. And pour me a double on account of the crazy-azz bee-atch.

Monkey Man said...

Thanks for the shout out, G. I'm honored. Brian's Song was a new one and he outed that crazy bitch for sure. May she rot in....okay, we won't go there.

Happy Friday on Thursday eve. My 55 is HERE .

Anonymous said...

*clapping hands*

Let's hear it for the boys, shall we? It's about goddamn time we shut that crap down once and for all. Go G-Man, Go Brian, Go MonkeyMan!!

Brian Miller said... and Ti are killing me tonight...oh my sides hurt...its nice having friends in high places...beautiful 55 G-daddy...smiles.

mine is up!

KB said...

You've outdone yourself G.I was gigglin out loud. Have a great weekend my friend.

Mine's up!

Jannie Funster said...

Okay, who is she? Who is she? Boy did I miss some good news this week??

Heading to Brian's next! Then to the others.

My Barbara Swafford FFF55 tribute is here


Whitesnake said...

Why do I have ta eat?
Whitesnakes do it better!

Me said...

Well. It has been quite a week in blogland, hasn't it? I think you hit the nail on the head...

I'm sharing music again. Mine is HERE .

Anonymous said...

BWAHAHA Bravo my friend. That was hilarious. I wanna know who she is Thinking Thinking Damn Mine is up HERE. Go Warrirors. Beat Charleston Southern!!! Go Blue. Beat Bowling Green!!! Have a great weekend :)

moondustwriter said...

Ya just gotta love the drama eh???
This is way too funny guys - I'm gonna lose it.
G and Ti - love you both
my buddy Bri needs a stiff one
hey pass a round of whatever your'e drinkin Ti

The Blues

go to: if you need to learn how to play nice in the blogsphere sand box

To the Moon ____ ( oh that's a retro comment wrong day) Smiles

hope said...

And I can just hear you sounding like Wolfman Jack. {No, I'm not that old, I was a kid when his career was winding down}.

Great, now I'm curious! Mine will be up on Friday.

Maude Lynn said...

You never fail to impress me G-Man!

I'll post mine in the morning.

tilden talks... said...

it's pickin time again...

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

Wow, G-man, when did you change your channel to a yelling station?

Hope you well.
I did post a 55.
let me know if you dislike it.

Anonymous said...

Now that was creative and what a great har tip to some great sites.

Mines up. Faceblind

Serena said...

No idea what drama has transpired in your corner of blogland this week, but you did your thing in 55 words with it.:)

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

It is quiet here,
Thanks for the comment, G-man.
Hope to read many quality entries...

kindness is priceless,
I appreciate your kindness....
I will enjoy a relaxed and peaceful weekend as you wishes.

rebecca said...

Loved this =)

Here's Ashes & Snow, a glimpse into Gregory Colbert's work....

Anonymous said...

Now I've got to run over to Brian's blog and see what's up.

Mine is here

Susan at Stony River said...

The Mensan Munchkin -- pffft man now I'm hungry for donuts ROFL That's a kick!

Speaking of 55s, I've posted a typical day in my new life as an out-of-work prole; I'll try to get to visiting everyone tomorrow but jeez, I'm still working on the Microfiction players from this week!

Happy Weekend Mr. Galen

Claudia said...

yeah - he did - and you are fantastic!

mine's here

clean and crazy said...

awesome 55 as always!! was just reading titaniums comments, she rocks!! now i gotta go read her stuff too!!

magiceye said...

wonderful way to kick off a kickass weekend!

My appeal for peace is here

Millie said...

Wow! I certainly feel clueless about what must be an inside joke.

Mine is up (and it's not Friday night!) here.

PattiKen said...

Good for you, Galen. Is it me, or is it foggy in here?

I’m in with You Remind Me of My Wife.

Someone is Special said...

Wow So good.. Have a happy weekend..

Mine is up..

Cherishing Heart

--Someone Is Special--

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love the crazy slap stick here! Don't understand half of it! But that's cool! Just love seeing you guys horse around! Such fun!

Here's mine for this week!

C.M. Jackson said...

u de man--I'm up and ready to go--you have a great weekend!

steveroni said...

WOW! Youse guys have really got it going this week! And I missed the whole show. I'd say there's some ass-kickin' goin on around here this weekend.

Mr G-Man you are awesome! As is also Brian and Titanium.

MINE is here

TALON said...

I wish I could find B.L.O.G. radio on my tuner! You are so right, G-Man -- no matter what, ya do hafta eat! :)

Have a fantastic first official autumn weekend of 2010!

My 55: justwords

anthonynorth said...

A most worthy ad :-)

You'll find mine here.

MorningAJ said...

I love the idea of B.L.O.G. Radio....

I got all seasonal this week.

John (@bookdreamer) said...

Can I get the station via the internet? My Friday 55 here

mrsnesbitt said...

We here you loud n clear honeybunch!
Please play something simple for me!
lol! Yes mine is up - hope it makes you smile - the best way to kick off any weekend don't you think?


A Daft Scots Lass said...

I love this one....I had to read it three times coz loved it so much.

Hootin Anni said...

So darned clever!!!

Brian's Song....hmmmmm, think they should make a movie from that? Oh ya....they did!!

Excellent and so very clever like I said -----

REDNECK Weasel is mine this week. Here's the LINK

Susannah said...

I loved yours. :-)

This is my first time joining in here, with a true story from earlier in the week that I couldn't resist sharing. :-)

My 55

Vodka Logic said...

Love it.. you might have a new career ..

I posted a 55 this week :)

Nessa said...

I do not like people who don't understand proper boundaries. I want this woman to leave Brian alone. I hope she gets the message.

Flash 55 - Top Dressing

RNSANE said...

You are such a brilliant and amusing gentleman!! Mine is at: May your weekend be full of fun!

-Check out the link for info on my blogaversary giveaway:

Scott M. Frey said...

miles of smiles and stacks of wax, the smooth rockin' sounds of the G-man comin' at ya from coast to coast lol Nice!

You can find my 55 here:

forever lost said...

hey hey mr. knowitall! so glad to see you are still out here hosting the best B.L.O.G. radio ever!
Coming out to play and checked on you and sad! so glad you were still here! and busy!!

the walking man said...


drybottomgirl said...

Too funny! You nailed it! By the way I had two helpings of cheese curds for you at the fair! They were awesome. My 55 is up and you have a rock n roll weekend!

clean and crazy said...

i got one up, a little late but it is up!!

izzy said...

Love the radio idea! and it goes so well with " Coming up on the hour-"
Yeah,( Ye-ahh) I got tangled by our
late cookout this week, and a tiny bit sentimental... Thanks!

One Prayer Girl said...

Fabulous Friday Flash Fifty-Five, Go-Man!!!

I have come to love Micro-Fiction Monday, Sunday 160 and of course, my favorite, the 55.

A little late, but arriving is my 55. It's up just as I am.


Pratibha said...

yes ! Bravo to Brian :)
And this was a wonderful bloggy cocktail ;)

My entry for this week :

Closed Eyes

Dianne said...

Wow, way to bring us, once again, the most frequent fliers of blogosphere...and the most famous.

Fab Di of Calif

secret agent woman said...

The psychologist in me thinks that she's just a poor, damaged soul.

Akelamalu said...

LOL you'd be fantastic on the radio G! :)

lime said...

sorry the drama in my life prevented me from playing along but thanks for being such a consistent host and friend, gman.

Bubba said...

You know what they say: Better Late Than Never!

(Maybe not, in this case!)

ruth said...

more drama than a Euripides play - yep, must be that time of year...

never rains but it pours

signed...bkm said...

Here is mine G-man never entered before so do not know if I am doing it right....bkm

Larry said...

hey hooters has always beem my king of place so I'll give ya ten Hail merrys.
hey I'm up and posted also just follow the link below.

53rd and Main

Thanks for Reading

Donnetta said...

Hi, Galen: Not forgetting about you, but Mama still sick. I'm home for 2 days and then back to SW Oklahoma to the hospital. Hopefully will get her here to the nursing home. I put a picture of her (in her 30s) up on the blog. Donnetta

Janna said...

Very dramatic indeed!
Nothing from the Jannaverse, I see.
That's ok.
My life is dramatic enough as it is. :)

Here I am, better late than never! :)

Thanks for another 55. Your regularity is awe-inspiring, and I'm not talking about dietary fiber.

Mine's been posted here since last night, but it's taken me this long to visit and leave comments. Sorry about that.

Janna said...

Thank you for visiting. :)

It's totally my fault that I didn't comment yesterday; I chose to spend the night elsewhere and didn't have access to a computer.
But here I am, back home, once again hooked up to the Internet, feeling those cyber-molecules infuse into my bloodstream.

Look! There's a molecule that says "G-Man" on it! :)

Thanks for being so loyal and easygoing.
You rock.
It must be a Michigan thing. :)

Sheila said...

G-man, I love your 55 this week. Glad to see some great support for Brian. I also love me some Rally's...yep, ya gotta eat!

Finally, if you haven't noticed yet, I have a thing for being fashionably late. I am one of those people that are told by others that the party starts an hour before it actually does, so that I show up "on time" (whatever that means - lol.)

However, like last week, since I am the last one - I'll turn the lights out for ya. Thanks, and btw, YOU rock!

the last 55 of the week - kind of like the cherry on top ;)

Megan, Life Revamped said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Megan, Life Revamped said...

find me here


The Rogue Kitchen Witch said...

Hey there G-Daddy!

Finally came by and got caught up ... you've become one heck of a Literati here as of late ... :)

Have a wonderful weekend!

the walking man said...

I'm a thinking you need make a huge $555,555 donation
to the University of Michigan alumni association!
They could then sell coffee cups with your name on them.

Look another response to a 160 with a 160.