Remember these trucks?
Did your house have a Milk Chute?
These glass bottles filled with lactose delight were deposited in them about every other day. In "our" day, most families only had ONE vehicle, and Dad needed it to go to work, with so some items were conveniantly delivered to your door...Literally!
This bottle is from the Shenville Creamery in Timberville Virginia. A jewel in the Shenandoah Valley. I'm sure that it will be a collector's item some day, since the dairy went "Udder-Up" in 2004.
I hope that this post brought back some childhood memories...
I remember getting milk delivered when I was living in Boston, but I was in kindergarten. I think the guy just left them bottles on our doorstep but I'm not sure.
never had it delivered to the house...we lived in the country...you just walked to the barn...soetimes cereal bowl in hand. smiles.
Yes! And the clinking of the glass bottles too...
Aloha, Friend!
Comfort Spiral
We didn't have the chute, but we had a milkman and home delivery in glass bottles.:)
We had a milk box outside the door. I had the pleasure of riding with the milkman on his route one day. He was the father of a girl I went to school with. She could have been my twin. Hmmmm.
How nice those glass bottles...
My dad said in Ireland they delivered milk everyday. Now there is a soda company that delivers new soda everyweek to your house in glass bottles. Gosh G-Man, you had a milk chute? Never heard of that before.
Just don't tell me you have that truck in your garage because if you do I say we go for a ride and have some fun. It was Twin Pines in our house.
Milk tasted better in glass.
we didnt' have a milk chute but my grandparents had a tin box on the stoop where the milkman made his deliveries. of course, "under the milk box" is where the spare key was hidden too. such security eh?
sorry no personal memories of milk delivery -- just mail and UPS. :-)
I thought milk came out of cows already in plastic jugs.
nope no memories that was way before my time!!
Where do you find all this stuff? Is your house really crowded? Or do you always run around with a camera, ready to shoot? ;-)
Our(my parents) first house had a free standing milk box for drop off from Joppe's diary, second house had a built in like you showed! By then, obsolete- mom stored nuts in it to feed the squirrels..One morning, screaming for me, there was a squirrel in the milk box, helping himself!
Thanks EVERYONE for visiting Ole G-Man today.
Y'all Rock!!!
See Ya Tomorrow....G
sorry, i'm late...
my folks still have
the milk chute
by the back door...
Bill The Milkman
would deliver our milk...
he used to wear a button
that said,
"ask me about eggs..."
i remember the bottle caps
with the little tabs.
now if we had milk chutes,
it would end up being
one more place
to break in to...
There is nothing that tastes better...I hate the plastic jugs.
I'll have to look on map to see where Timberville is..I probably drove through it on one of our Sunday drives...:)
I have been looking for one of those "chutes" to build in to our old cabin that we are tring to restore back to how it was in 1948.The one I remember had arrows or hands like a clock that you would point to if you wanted to change your order.On the perimiture of the door there were impossed items like eggs or cream or butter ect.The arrows would be placed on the item you would want to add.My sister would add icecream and boy would our Mom get mad!!I guess we were on a tight budget. If there is someone out there that knows where we could find one Please email me at imcabinman@yahoo.com
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