Silently she spun around, arms akimbo.
He Screamed..."Don't turn your back on me you miserable little Shrew.
Your temper is bigger than your ass, AND your shoes are ugly"!
She slowly turns and glares Daggers back at him.
He sheepishly mutters..."Honey, I'm sorry".
Smirking to himself...('The advantages of dating a deaf chick')
You sure don't get to use the word "Akimbo" very often do you?
If you or anyone you know has written a Flash 55...
Please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have A Kick Ass Week-End!!
Woo! It's Friday!
I'm up!
Poor girl will never know what he said. Clever 55
I have finished my 55.
You’ll find it
But it’s a groaner.
hahaha! Being half-half-deaf (I'm hard of hearing in one ear), I am not sure it's appropriate to laugh at this. But it is funny. Shame on you, G.
(Cricket! on my first post.)
I wasn't expecting that ending G.
Have a great weekend.
Don't try that with a dragon. We have very sharp ears. Good 55
Leave a comment on ours and we will leave one on yours. Dragon
lol. oh my...sorry lost in the chuckles. nice 55.
mine is up!
HA! You better hope she never recovers her hearing and doesn't tell you. Brian talked me into participating in Friday Flash 55. My first post is up. What a great idea.
In my world, she could have read his lips (or at least his expression) in the reflection of the window they were facing. My husband falls for that one all the time, then wonders how I know he made faces or salutes of some kind(sigh).
My 55's up right here! But nothing akimbo I'm afraid LOL
Woohoo! Friday Friday Friday! THat was quite funny. I hope you like mine. As Dr. John says, it is a groaner!
My girlfriend always talks about the advantages of dating a dumb guy! LOL!
Clever and mean!
Mine's up -- finally! I'm back!
I did my first one.
Maaan... That's a little twisted G.
My 55 is lots more fun than this game. We go head to head tonight, eh? If we could stay outta the box, it'd help.
He's just mean. Insulting a girlfriend's shoes? Humph.
Don't you dare insult my shoes!
Mine will be up in the morning!
I'm not reading all your comments so this may be a duplicate,
Sooo PI,
deaf chick my eye.
very funny
shoes are ugly
All I can do
gotta go write....
My 55 is up.
My second comment of the day:
I too believe this is quite clever.
It seems I worked too many years in the disability field, speaking and writing ALWAYS in politically correct language.
I guess you can take the employee out of the workforce, but you can't always take the work influence out of the employee.
You know I love you. :)
Better hope she doesn't have one of those sign language interpreters, like Marlee Matlin does. :)
(Actually that would be really cool. :)
Nice (or not so nice) Friday 55! :)
Mine is ready too,right here. :)
And OMG, I just realized how many smiley faces I put in that last comment.
I'll try to cut down on the cheer. :)
(Aaaaugghhh! I just did it again!)
Well, that was sneaky. Good thing she didn't catch that remark about her shoes.:)
LMAO!!! I'd love to know what "the deaf chick" had to say with her arms akimbo! Wicked funny, G-Man!
My 55 is up.
awesome twist!! i know she felt those words!! mine is up too
You forgot to tell me what you write everyone else...to "kick myself in the ass...this weekend") or something like that? --grin!
LOVE it!
Cruel...but funny. My 55 is here.
It's a last second entry.
Nice spectacles Galen ya look pretty good bud I'll get mine in a couple of weeks myself. I'm up and posted just follow the link below
Thanks For stopping By and commenting.
Crows Cawing
Now that's the way to date. Enjoyed that.
You'll find mine here.
Crap LOL Third time is a charm. Akimbo LOL. This just had me cracking up. I love it. OMG...to be married to someone deaf. Wonder if she can read lips? LOL Mine is up HERE. Have a great weekend :) Akimbo ROFLMAO
in cases like yours Galen dating a blind chick may have a better advantage.
Ooh. My sister was married to a deaf man. The relationship went down the drain when he got his ears back through surgery. This one hit home.
I'm in this week HERE
First...the self portrait of you below is great!! Nice smile!
And your 55 is a hoot.
My FF55 is fiction to some, but to others not so. It's...
[scroll down below my pencils sketches to find "The Shaft-a"]
One day karma will come along and bite that guy in the ass. Hope the woman is facing him when it happens so she can see it.
Sandy's link's broken, so as a public service I'll fix it. 'Cause it's a great one!
OK, you've got me - I've been and gone and done a 55 today - among other things...
He's mean!
Skillfully written.
Mine is up
too funny...deaf chick!!! love it. Sarah
funny...mine will be up ... sometime...lol
have a kick ass weekend G!
warm smiles,
LMAO, evil man!
and yes i was most impressed by your usage of akimbo, such a groovy word.
i'm up.
A little feisty, but that's how we roll in Michigan...:)
ooooo, that's evil..... have a super weekend g-man!!!
I love that silly word...it sounds much more regal than "having a hissy fit". :)
Mine's up. I've learned how to schedule a post but then have to remember to come tell YOU. Have a great weekend!
Hopefully he wasn't standing in front of a mirror so she could look back and read his lips:) Fun 55! Have a great weekend. Mine is up.
I prefer legs akimbo myself...;)
I'm procrastinating over here...soon it will be up. Promise!
I finally met the girl of me dreams,
Who could ask for more?
She's deaf and dumb, and over sexed,
And owns a liquor store... :)
Hi hi....My 55 is UP.
You are bad, G-man...so very bad. (I'm still chuckling)
Hi u can come to see me at
Hi, Galen. Just got in to Florida. Mine is a day late (and a repeat, I fear), but it is UP! D
gman thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment on This Blog Of Mine I appreciat them tremendously.
Land Of The Gnomes
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