Hi everybody....Business has been crazy lately!
It seems that ever since the 'bailout,' the banks have been quite generous in lending money for car loans. This is me at the BP filling up a brand new Silverado for a customer today.
I've been doing a lot of this lately.....YAY!!!!!
I hope you are all thinking about your Friday Flash 55.
I'm glad business is booming but, dude, you look tired. A little vacation wouldn't hurt you.:)
Yaaay! Your script is back :)
I'm coming to buy a car :)
Best news I've heard from the auto sector in too long...keep selling 'em Galen.
i'm really glad to hear it!
So happy for you!! You deserve all the business in the world.
well, we had to do something to keep you busy, and if it was arranging this bailout, then my job is done, heee heee heeee
I'm thrilled that this horrible recession is having the opposite effect for you. It is so nice to hear good news for a change. Keep churning them out dear :)
Well at least you still have a job. Had they not bailed out the car industry you might be outta a job. Mr Gab is lucky to still ahve two although the one cut his hours from 40 to 35. That will affect my medical insurance and my pills are sky high. I had been paying 15 now its anywheres from 90 to 195! And they wonder why we cant live day to day.
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