Hi everybody....At 4:00 PM when this photo was taken, it was EXACTLY 30 degree's warmer then it was just 12 hours earlier...and at 4 it was 11 degree's. Yes folks thats correct, it was a Frigid -19 degree's actual Temperature this morning...
I need a Warm Vacation!!.........
And I thought it was cold here! We're headed for 14 degrees tomorrow night, and 6 Friday night. At least it's not below 0. I don't know how you stand it! You definitely need a vacation somewhere warm. Happy Thursday.:)
may i recommend trinidad? and if you go will you take me?
We will only see about -8 tonight and that should be the worst of it actual temp wise. Tomorrow with the wind should be really cold and easy to get frost byte. Take care of yourself. I think of you every time I drive past a snow covered car sales lot. Not fun at all.
Spring in just over 2 months...
Are those stalactites or stalagmites ?
Please tell me Mr. Knowitall, so that I can decide what to call your mustache...
I'm glad I don't live in the cold states any more. Alaska had -20 temps for three weeks straight. I don't miss that at all!! It just floods here. :S
whilst we are having the hottest month, you are having the coldest...
You can always come out and visit me in Vegas. We're hovering around 60 for the next few weeks
Gman- I hear ya baby! We're frozen over here as well! I promise if we get any warmer weather I will pass it your way!! :)
Crikey it looks cold! :0
I went past a 4WD truck out in the median when I realized I was on glare ice... salt doesn't even work at these temps!
Sherry...Yes, someplace very warm!
You know of a place?...:-)
Trinidad Trini?...Oh yeah baby!
Yeah Bryan, I'm thinking Spring already...G
Mona Dear, you can call my mustache FROZEN!
Hi Erica...I can now see why you moved.
Shadow!!!! Stop it....
Poetry Sue...Thats a frickin heat wave!!
Snowelf? Baby is that you?
Good to FINALLY see you!!
Ake...It's brutal!!
Melissa? All the missing sheep are returning to the flock..hehehehe
Buff...You are exactly right, it is way too cold for the salt to work!
We were at a nice -20 this morning. And it only warmed up to
-12. Im really looking forwards to monday they said we were to get up to 33! I'll believe it when it actually happens!
It's cold all over G, but not like that. We've kept it in the positive numbers, but it wouldn't take much more than a slight dip in the jet stream to put us in single digits tonight. Or so I'm told. By one source. The forecast seems to depend on who you listen to and what model they're using. Best current information has us at 25 right now (10 PM Thursday), which I guess by comparison is downright tropical. Best guess is that we're headed for a low of 17 tonight and 13 tomorrow night.
Stay inside and mind the carbon monoxide, okay? We don't wanna have to find a new host for 55 Friday!
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