Thursday, January 8, 2009

Friday Flash 55.....

Confucious was very wise for his time.
But I think a few updates are in order...
"Man who stand on toilet, is high on pot".

"Virginity like bubble, one prick, all gone".

"Man who scratch ass, should NOT bite fingernails".

"Baseball is wrong: Man with 4 balls cannot walk".

"Crowded elevator, smell different to midget".
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55, please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment, then BOOK!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast, please have a Great Week-End!!


barman said...

They are all great but ... you got to love that last one. Great 55 oh wise one.

barman said...

So is Yahtzee appropriate on a 55 post? Wow I have not done one of those in ages.

Serena said...

I'm in a terrible mood but I gotta say, that made me laugh. Thank you, oh, wise one.:-)

Mojo said...

Wasn't there also one about keeping your hand in your pocket...?

Good ones!

After a brief hiatus, my Indian wonderchica is back in action this week. Or back to being acted upon anyway. But the flashback has a few more weeks to run before we get back to present-day 1947.
55 Flash Fiction Friday #27: Chapter 19 - Dard

Anonymous said...

hehehe thank you wise g-man. I'm back and so is my depressing series. I linked to all the related posts so that all can spin up to speed. It'll go live at midnight pacific time.

Evalinn said...

Happy Friday, G-man! :-) I´m playing 55 this week too!

Have a great weekend!

smarmoofus said...

hehhee I don't know which one I like best. They're all funny. Thanks for the giggle, g-man. *mwah!* I've missed you! I'm glad I'm back.


Shadow said...

luuuuv the updates.

mine's up too

Mona said...

OK...I wrote a 55ve too...wise guy...

James Goodman said...

lol, too funny, Galen. Mine is up. :D

buffalodick said...

Man who put hands in pockets feel cocky...

lime said...

well i am late but i am up, and oddly enough...with something chinese.

CozyMama said...

good ones

Lulda Casadaga said...

I think you are gettin funnier as the new year progresses...:D
Great 55...I'm up!

Akelamalu said...

LOL Oh my G-man those were funny!

Chelle said...

too funny...
my 55 is up and ready for your

Donnetta said...

OH you are SO bad!! I'm laughing!

Mine is up at last! D

Devotee said...

Words to live by, every one of them!

My 55 is up too!

Anonymous said...

That was great, too funny G-man. I have one up, late but it's there.

Spoony Quine said...

I wish Lou Ryan knew this one: When mixing drywall mud, best to use garden hose!

Errr, yeah.

BTW, am about to send you postcard. Just have to write something on it.

Spoony Quine said...

I didn't say that!!!

GAB said...

lol those are cute.

Pam said...

confuscious is very wise lol like those..great 55, g :)

Redheels said...

Thanks for the laugh. They were great!

I have a 55 this week.

G-Man said...

Thanks everyone for visiting and commenting.
Some of you actually played..:P

laughingwolf said...

woman with red hair, have red hair, by cracky! :O lol

JihadGene said...

Great wizzdome!

Tank you berry much,
Great Reader, KIM Jong IL