Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thursday Portrait.....

Thanksgiving Dishes are gone, and the Christmas Dishes are out.
The tree is up.
I feel like I have an Angel watching over me...


Serena said...

The tree looks beautiful. And it really does look like you have an angel on your shoulder.:)

SignGurl said...

You always have an angel ;)

Lovely decorations. Where's the Harley ones?

Mona said...

yea yea, I have been watching over you. I caught you blogging at work yesterday!

barman said...

I guess it is better to have an angel on your shoulder than to have a chip on it.

I get the feeling you were a handful for that angel a few years back.

Great looking tree and holiday setting.

Shadow said...

full steam ahead to the season. your tree is LOVELY!

lime said...

you change the dishes to display? how charming. and i'm impressed that it's all done already. i haven't even gotten out the advent calender yet.

good thing that angel is keep watch because you have devilment in your eyes!

buffalodick said...

Got to find my Christmas spirit here pretty quick!

Breazy said...

it is beautiful Galen, every bit of it.

Have a great day!

Cha Cha said...

I think I have a little Gargoyle that lives above my left shoulder.

I hear him giggling sometimes.

But, I have a fairy tattooed on the back of my right shoulder.

She's is rather angelic looking and way hot.

Akelamalu said...

Oh you're all Christmassy! MWM won't get up in the loft for the tree and decorations until a week on Sunday! :(

Lulda Casadaga said...

I'm slowly gettin in the xmas mood...but, I have to throw the pumpkin out first!