No...These just aren't a pair of old sneakers!
These are Nike Legends!!!
I've had these since 1986, and they are pristine.
If I had a better camera you could see what great shape they are still in.
I' have about 2 dozen pair of Tennis Shoes, and I rotate them.
See the heels? Not wore down a bit!
High tops are NOT stylish I know, but the support is MUCH better!!
Okay! So, you're wearing 22-year old sneakers? How is that possible? I've had sneakers wear out (including worn heels), fall apart, dry rot, and otherwise disintegrate in way less time than that. Apparently, rotation is the key. Hmmmm.:)
I get 1, 2 years tops out of a pair of sneakers. Can't say I have ever had so many sneakers to rotate so as not to put to much wear and tare on them. Tell me, how often do you rotate your tires?
Your camera did good enough, you can tell these shoes are in fine shape.
holy moly, and i thought my 8 year old sneakers with bald tread were an amazing thing.....
i bow to the king.
high tops SO are in right now. basketball shoes for boys & girls just wear em to be stylish. my daughters just got some. one has Big Black high tops and other has red converse high tops. my feet have gotten bigger over the years. really doubt i could fit in any shoes i had over 20 yrs ago lol i SO want a pair of high tops...really.
a little support
goes a long way, baby...
cool old shoes...!
i would give ANYthing for my favourite shoe to last so long...
you kept them?? (shaking head and thinking oh LORD) ;) MORNING
can't find my glasses... those are shoes all right...
Only you, G-man... Only you...
my brother use to wear those exact shoes. I buy nothing but Nike, good choice G-Man!
TWO DOZEN SNEAKERS? A MAN? you have more than I do lol.
Yeah high tops are better support!
Hi Shere, I waterproof them, and do not store them in the light. Rotation IS the key...xo
Every 8000 miles Bryan!
You may rise Trini...
Smart girl Ciara Mist!!
You got that right Lana!!..:p
Shadow...Just buy 2 dozen pair!!
Cozy Jodie..hehehehe
Mona...? You wear glasses?
That right Buff..Fred G-Man Sanford
Lady Heather..Thank You My Dear.
Gale, I hope nothing else goes wrong...G
yea, ever since ten...
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