Circa 1958...The last day of school before Christmas Break.
The substitute teacher gave the assignment...
"Draw a picture of your favorite Christmas Carol".
When we finished, and held them up for all to see...
The teacher asked me who the fat guy was next to baby Jesus and Mary.
..."Ma'am, thats Round John Virgin"!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55, please come tell the G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment, THEN BOOK!! So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...Have a Great Week-End, and a very Happy Holiday!!
Ah, G-Mon, this is great!
Ima post one.
Merry Christmas to you!
LOL. Out of the mouths of babes -- well, when they're tykes. After that, it can get a bit tiresome.:)
hahahhahahhahah! Is that true? SO funny, G-man!
I'm up, too... not funny like yours, though.
LOL, yer pullin my leg! that is funny though. well done.
mine will be up first thing in the morning.
omgosh lmfao, g! haha
no 55 again..just got a block. but i've given everyone another poem. that should satisfy, right? it's more than 55 words tho :p~~
Oh My God I LOVE this. Such a clasic ending.
funny!!!! mine's up too...
hahahahaha!!! Have I mentioned that I can't wait for Sophia to start talking? :P
Mine will be up soon (midnight Pacific time).
lol, that was an awesome 55 G-man. Mine is up...
Hi everybody....
I'm sure you can all see a weather map by now. Yep, we are getting dumped on BIG TIME!!~!~
So please be patient with me visiting today...I'll get there.
Thanks for stopping by.....G
I went to school with that guy! 'Cept we called him "Johnny V" at that age. Later on... well, you can imagine.
I did put one up, but I was crashed before I could link it. But it's still Friday, eh?
55 Flash Fiction Friday #25: Chapter 18 - Nafrat
"Round John Virgin" .....LOL!!! How cute! I hope you have a Blessed Christmas as well Galen. :)
that is too funny! OMG I snorted it was so funny! HAPPY FRIDAY AND WEEKEND!!
Galen your funny :D. I played too & Its James birthday today
Pretty dang funny!
Great 55, G-man!
I've posted one too.
LOL that's so funny G-man! You made me chuckle. :)
Mine's up.
Galen, that is priceless! Mine is up! Donnetta
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR SON – Poem for the Christmas Child
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all Flash-55-ers.
LMAO...hilarious. Mine's up.
very good. I have tried and tried to set my mind thinking one day I will come through!
He he let it snow let it snow let it snowwwwwwwwww
No snow here but it is 18
Happy Hoidays Gman
My version:
Round young virgin, mother and child
Ruv'd it looong time!!!
Great Reader, KIM Jong IL
I think I've finally visited everyone whether they played or not!
Thanks folks for contributing your thoughts and/or talent....G
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