Ahhhh....Bike Night at Scooters Bar and Grill.
With every drink that you buy at Bike Night you get a numbered ticket.
Every 1/2 hour they pick a ticket. If your number is called , you get to choose a prize that usually has a Harley theme to it. Tonight the G-Man was lucky enough to have his ticket pulled once again (I have won many things over the years).
How do I look in my new 80 Dollar Shades?? Hehehehe...
And last but not least...The beautiful Yvonne Perry.
She is a very successful local real estate agent, and she and her husband 'Killer' both ride, and are both friends of mine.
I hope all you kiddies are contemplating your Friday 55!
You ARE one lucky guy. The new shades look great! Looks like Bike Nite was lots of fun tonight.:)
Almost as nice as
apple pie
Yes...Thats a Great one Congrats!
(Soloman Hercules Atlas Zeus Achilles Mercury ).hehehe
It was Marvelous, 2 iced teas (no sugar of course), a scotch on the rocks, 2 coney's...7.69!!!
Plus I got a 80.00 pr of shades to boot!!
i am diggign the shades. now you can scope yvonne without her knowing it :P
Hotness in the shades!! They look like they were made for you.
now this is how shade(s) can sparkle!
The Realtor's smile sparkles too !
& I'm sure the drinks were sparkling too!
You're cute with those new shades, but Yvonne wins the photo contest!
free stuff is always great! The shades look good on you G-Man and I also like the wind blown hair you are sportin'. Have a great day!
who is pointing a gun at Yvonne's throat?
Those are some snazzy shades, G-man. Snazzeh! And it looks like you needed them... lovely sunshine.
Don't give up my secrets..:-)
Just my size baby!!!
That a reflection of the handle bars!! hehehehe
You bet she does brother..
Hi Breazy...
Because it;s Summer, EVERY day is a good day..Thanks..G
Hi Smoofy!!!
Oh you're so kind...;-)
I loved your 55...Thanks
You're such the sly dawg in those shades, Gman. :D
(It's not friday, but I'm up! (because I'm going to bed ;) )
awesome shades, bad boy.
congrats on a stupendous win!
Awww Snow...
You remembered!!!
G'Nite Oh talented one...;-)
If you wore reddish pink...
You'd be the Yenta in Magenta!
yenta in magenta...
sounds like an old
yiddish pop tune...
(hey, you could write
your next poem
with such hip rhyming words
as that...
or rent-a-yenta...
the possibilities
are endless..
oh wait...no they arent.
Kickin' shades, Galen. Congrats. :D
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