Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Thursday Portrait......

Yes my friends...The G-Man wears many hats, ( although not in these pics ).
Galen Haynes...Biker Businessman!!
And Bathroom Boy in his 'wife-beater'...
Start thinking about your Holiday 55, although Ake, and Mona, don't celebrate July 4th as a holiday...Or KB, but you still play...Please??????
See ya tomorrow...Peace...!!!


Serena said...

Biker Businessman. I like that. But -- Bathroom Boy? LOL. The "wife beater" was pre-shower, no doubt.:)

javajazz said...

looking good
in your husband beater!
i like your haircut.
are those new glasses?
maybe i just havent seen you
in like, ages, OMG!!!
(do i sound like a valley girl?)

KB said...

What's in the bag G?

I've wrote my 55 two days ago, waiting to post

*twidles thumbs, looks at clock, taps foot*

Mona said...

You look so angry!! Don't tell me you really beat your wife!!! Please tell me that is not true!!!! :(

Mona said...

pssst! its Java Jazz's birthday on the 5th of July...& even though he is not here, he is there. Yes Our Top Cat's birthday is on the 6th! & though I shall send him an E card, please wish him from my side when you talk to him on phone!

dickiebo said...

You look like a real swinger in the first photograph!
Wife-beater? Not on, old boy. And you would never.

javajazz said...

i wear those all the time,
but i call 'em
menopause undershirts,
cuz you never know
when you're going to have to
tear your shirt off...
i was rather surprised
the first time i heard
that new name for undershirt...
(looks like Dickiebo
knows you well,
gentle heart) xo

Mona said...

I guess it must be called 'wife beater', because it beats the wife in the act of 'clinginess'.

Akelamalu said...

My 55 isn't a holiday one but it is about something in our news.

S said...

LOL I am showing the other half for TP...thats Thursday Portrait!

Happy 4th Gman!

javajazz said...

me menopausal maniac 2...!

buffalodick said...

The one picture is your "Have to" outfit, the other one is your "Want to" look...

SignGurl said...

You look a little "swishy" in that first picture GAYlen. Hehe!

G-Man said...

Lisa..For sure.
(No they are my OLD ones..:-))
Dickiebo..Thats what they call that T-shirt style
Susie...Yours ROCKED!!!!
Hey Buff..
I got your swish Jenn...
Right here!!