Monday, June 9, 2008

Sunday's Handywork.......

For the past 3 weeks, my wife and Reese, and myself, have been preparing my home for my son's graduation Open House on June 22nd. Yesterday Our good friend Lynn came over to help also. I took my truck and had 2 yards of red mulch loaded up..76 bucks for two whole yards!!
Much cheaper than 3 bags for 10 in front of the gas station eh?
Anyway, it was 90 yesterday, with a humidity of 98%. We had very bad weather after we got finished, with rain and wind gusts up to 70 mph..These pics were taken this morning, it held up pretty good don't you think? When you have this much mulch, you can layer it on quite thick!!


lime said...


lime said...

it looks good and i am glad the storm didn't ruin all your hard work, especially when you did it in that kind of heat....ugh.

barman said...

Glad to see you weathered things OK. I was out of town and when I got home late Sunday night I discovered I was without power and might be until Wednesday.

This morning I discovered that a fairly good sized evergreen went down next door to me on the city/utility property. I also lost a deck planter. That seems to be my only problem. Considering we had 3 very bad weather days in a row I think I did pretty darn good.

Congrats on your sons graduation. He is making his Dad mighty proud.

Akelamalu said...

You've been busy! :)

Serena said...

All that hard work was worth it, because the place looks great! That's going to be a party to remember. I'm glad the wind and rain didn't mess it up.:)

SignGurl said...

You've done well, Grasshopper. I love the red mulch ;)

buffalodick said...

I remember spending weeks and $$$ getting house ready for open houses! If I had it over again to do, I'd rent a hall....

G-Man said...

Hi Limey..
Back in the saddle again?
Great Job....Thanks:-)

I heard you guys got hit pretty hard Bryan. I'm glad your house went unscathed...G

Hi Ake...
Yes I have...G

You guys have very extreme weather down there don't you?
I'll come visit your post...G

Hi Sherry...
I wish you could come to the party.
I'd feed you till you popped..

Hi Jenn...
I'm glad you approve...
My Favorite Sign Queen!!!

Hi Buff..
I did just that for my daughter.
I should have learned...Thanks