Wednesday, January 30, 2008

30 More Days HNT.....

On Friday Feb. 29th, I'm leaving for Daytona Bike Week...For the 4th time!!!
I'm getting myself geeked-up for Bikes, Palm Trees, and Oysters...
Yeah baby!!!!!


lime said...


Serena said...

Lookin' good, G, and ready to hit the road. You're going to have SUCH a great time. 30 days is nothin'; it'll be here before you know it.

lime said...

and so the countdown begins. it's always good to have something to look forward to. :)


jillie said...

Sounds like it's going to be FUN!!!

Fun in the sun ;o)



Little Wing said...

Very cool ride G-man!
Never been myself but I know those who have.
I will be waiting for the ride to Hollister again this summer.

javajazz said...

woo hoo G-biker!
i remember years ago when the kids were young
flying to Daytona Beach to visit my in-laws, and we couldnt find a hotel (or rental car!) because we managed to arrive on something like, Bikers Week, Presidents Day (?) and March Break all at once...good one. the kids slept on the floor of the car rental place till a car showed up for us in the middle of the night.... but i loved all the Bikers...thought they were a real cool group of fun loving folks...have fun G-partyboy...didnt know you attended Bike Week!

tsduff said...

You keep the rubber side down young man - and uh - will you please eat at least 50 oysters for me? I've been to Daytona, but not during bike week. I have a very cool Gator Daytona tee shirt from there. It was still fun, lots of bikes about. The other coast is really pretty.

barman said...

You are going to have a GREAT time. No snow down there. Lots of HNT opportunities too. Have a wonderful time.

Happy HNT.

Queenie said...

Wow, that sounds fantastic G, and it will be here before you know it. Make sure you get lots of pics to show us.

SignGurl said...

Holy guns, G! You been working out?

You can't leave my ass here in the cold *insert grumpy face*

TK Kerouac said...

Have fun Geek
I love those Palm trees,
I'll be heading there in April
Happy HNT!

S said...

Oh man, I am so ready to go out on another adventure! If only I had some money left!

Dont forget to pack your angry eyes, just in case!

HHNT G man!

Bunny said...

We are thinking of heading down to FL during bike week as well. We'd fly down and stay with the in-laws in New Smyrna Beach. Not sure yet though . . . .

Looking great, Galen!


Charles said...

I've lived in Florida all my life other that about 2 years I spent in Houston, and I still haven't got to attend Bike Week. :(

Go watch the 250 races, they are all technique, close and exciting from all accounts. Those guys can ride on the razor's edge all day, and never fall off.

javajazz said...

oh you mean they actually DO something
during Bike Week? ha! i actually thought
it was just a place to go to watch needy
women take their tops off...
nice that they ride too,
(as it were...)

Mariposa said...

Will keep coming here for the countdown then! Looking good! HHNT!

Manny said...

Sign and I both get to go.

G-Man said...

Yes and I'm really looking foreward to it!
Thanks HHNT..xox

Hi Sherry...
Yeah, time flies when you are having fun!!

Thanks Jildo!!!

You need to go to Daytona LW!!!
You'd LOVE it!!!

Thanks Missy...
No cutting these locks until AFTER Bike Week!!

Daytona has the Daytona 500, Spring Break, and Bike Week all within a month!!!
Not a good family time to go...xoxyentaxoxx

Hi Terry...
Thanks for the Biker Blessing...xoxox

You know I will...
Thanks a bunch..xoxox

It's not near as loose as it once was, but great 'scenery' just the same...G

My Angry Eyes..?

Hi Bunny...
I love New Smyrna Beach!!
Great views, and great seafood!!

You need to come visit me brother, we can slug down a few, and slurp some oysters...G

Needy women??

All righty then, I aim to please...Thanks

G-Man said...

I pass right through Ohio, we'll pick you up!!

Cha Cha said...


Don't act like you didn't know what mentioning the word 'oysters' was gonna do to me!


Looks like you'll be leaving FL right before I get there for Spring Break to visit my mom!

HELL, if I didn't have class to attend to, I'd say to drive through Chicago and pick me up! An extra week in Florida never hurt anybody...

And, yes. I fucking can't WAIT for those oysters...and stone crab...and...and...and...

...hangin' with My Mom.


You're so lucky you get to go on a bike!


I am LOVIN' the new upside-down Sign-babe pic.


It's too much fun!!

Yay for upside-down fun!

Snow White said...

HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxox

snowelf said...

Galen--I never knew you had tattoos!!

And I love having things to look forward too!! :)
