Saturday, July 7, 2007

Ride On.......

Excuse me for being redundant...( Lime and Serena )..
I know that sometimes ( Sometimes?), I get a little carried away with the joys of being on my Harley all the time, but my "Quote of the Day", explains it all!!!

" You Never see a motorcycle,
Parked in front of a Psychiatrits Office"!
(Unless it's theirs)

GOD.....I love this Country.... Peace.


Serena said...

Heh. I seem to have heard that somewhere before. And you know, I do believe it's true. Ride like the wind, G...

G-Man said...

Of course, we are the only 2 people in America thats inside on a Saturday, thats not working.....
But WTF, The night is still young...
Thanks SJ, You Rock!!!!!

Serena said...

Maybe so, G, but as you say -- WTF. Then again, maybe we're just smart. BD & BG both say it's damn hot outside.:-)

G-Man said...

Yes it is SJ..
But either outside OR inside, wherever You are, it's DAMN HOT!!!

Serena said...

Oh, my, G. You're not saying I have a wicked bad temper, are you? :-)

Cazzie!!! said...

LOL, so, are you saying that Psych's are nutty too?? LOL

G-Man said...

You know what I meant xoxx!


Serena said...

Yeah. I was just razzin' you.

Cha Cha said...

Ah...a hot psychiatrist with a Harley.

Maybe THAT'S what I need!

xoxox, Galen

tsduff said...

Only 'cause they can afford it... and we can't...

dickiebo said...

I notice you don't credit this quote to anybody. Wouldn't be your own quotation would it G-Man?

snowelf said...


That's great!!!
Enjoy the ride. :)


SignGurl said...

Ride on over for some cucumber sandwiches!!

Evalinn said...

G-man, u've got a point there. Enjoy your ride!

Mona said...

hey Galen.. where is that Harley carrying you away?

OOOOHHHH! I am so jealous! he runs away with Harley!!!

G-Man said...

A HOT female Shrink with a bike maybe..Hahaha xox

Hi Terry,
Hows the great Northwest sweetie?
It's hot as hell here!!

Hahahaha...I read it on a T-Shirt...Really!!!
But thanks for thinking that I can be that clever!!!

Hi SnowElf!!
I love it when I see your dangerously cute face..Thanks.xoxox

That was fricken WILD!!!!
Thanks for that link..

Jenny my Love!!!
Don't tempt me those were awesome...

I'm sooooo glad you are back!!
Wanna Ride?..xoxox

G-Man said...

Hi Mona!!!!
The most beautiful Smartest woman in the world!!! xoxox

Anonymous said...

Lucky you complaining about the hot weather... Here it's only 18C (70F) right now... What kind of July is that??? I want my summer!!!!

lime said...

this is not somethign you need to apologize for repeating. let's just call it therapy on two wheels. ;)

lime said...

a new expression for riding maybe?

i'm gonna go have some therapy....

Charles said...

Found the article, and the source code

Little Wing said...

Oh you are so right on about being on a harley all day!!!!!!!!

Ride like you stole it!!!!!

Cha Cha said...

If I ever see a shrink, Galen, he will absolutely have to be a he.

Harley would be a plus.

G-Man said...

You need to come visit the G-Man, it gets plenty hot around here!

Hey Michelle..
I know you doin of therapeein this week-End!

You are way too kind to me, thanks a bunch....G

I'll see.......Thanks

Thats what I did all week-end baby...Thanks.
Great Pics BTW...xoxox

Any particular reason?
Just curious..xoxoxox

Anonymous said...

Love the quote Galen.
Ride on Dude.

Evalinn said...

Always - if u're driving! Check out the wheels I had this weekend over at my blog...

Cha Cha said...

I think I'd be able to open-up to a man more.

I've always gotten along WAY better with women and most of my closest friends have been guys.

Only during the past few years have I started to make friends that were female.

G-Man said...

Thanks TC,
Thats what I did!!

I was just there...Nice car!!
No wonder you walk a lot!

OK Strumpet,
Thanks for that little insight..
(I bet you'd open up to Rachel Ray!)

Mona said...

But where the hell are you going to on that bike!

I wish I had a bike!

Its so liberrrrrrating with a a roar!!!!

Mona said...


Cha Cha said...

Actually, Galen...

I was hoping Rachael would open-up for ME...

But, we'd have to gag her.

Absolute must.

And I'd need someone there with me that I care about to enjoy the festivities in order to enhance the experience.

Like licking French Vanilla ice cream from her gorgeous ass.

Oh when... oh when... will Strumpet find a man to help indulge her sick and twisted mind? He HAS to be out there SOMEWHERE!

G-Man said...

Good Morning Mona,
Yes, the roar is indeed quite liberating!!!
I wish you could be here to enjoy..xoxox

Alas Strumpet,
I'm quite sure that there are many men that would be into your Rachel Fantasy's,But they probably reside in Joliet!
(kidding, of course)
Your mind is hardly "sick and twisted", I prefer to call it Strumpet-like
Have a great day Baby.xox

Evalinn said...


Cha Cha said...

I love you, Galen, my friend.