Hi Everybody, If it's Wednesday, it must be time for Ask Mr. Knowitall...!
A Mr. Jerry Mathers of Van Nuys California asks, Dear Mr. Knowitall... What in the world is a 'Whistlepig'?
Jerry...? How's your buddy Larry Mondello doing? The 'Whistlepig' is also known as the Land Beaver, or the Woodchuck! But we know it as the Groundhog (Marmota Monax). This large rodent belongs to a family called Sciuridae, and a sub-group of large ground squirrels known as Marmots. Most Marmots, such as the yellow-bellied and hoary Marmots, live in rocky or mountainous areas, but the Woodchuck is a lowland creature. It is widely distributed in North America, and common in northeastern and central United States. Groundhogs are well adapted for digging, with short powerful limbs, and curved thick claws.. They usually live in burrows, but can climb trees with ease, and can often be seen resting in branches. When alarmed, they use a high-pitched whistle to warn the rest of the colony...
The etymology of the name Woodchuck is unrelated to wood. It stems from the Algonquin name for the animal...Wuchak!......I bet you didn't know that did you?
A Mr. Fred Engles of Gdansk Poland asks...'Dear Mr. Knowitall , what is cultural pluralism'?
Fred, Cultural Pluralism is the dynamic in which minority groups participate fully in the dominant society, yet maintain their cultural differences. A pluralistic society is one where certain groups can interact, while showing a degree of tolerance for one another where different cultures can co-exist without any major conflicts. And where minority cultures are encouraged to up hold their customs...
A Ms. Helen Bedd of Butte Montana asks...'Dear Mr. Knowitall ....Who was America's most famous female philosopher'?
Dear Helen...Hahahaha...That's an easy one! In fact, I won't even say her name, and I know that you will be able to identify her....Here goes;
"When women go wrong, men go right after them"
"She's the kind of girl that climbed the ladder of success, wrong by wrong"
"Too much of a good thing, can be wonderful"
"Brains is an asset, if you hide them"
"I've been in more laps than a napkin"
"When I'm good I'm very good, but when I'm bad I'm better"
"Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?"
"Give a man a free hand, and he'll run it all over you"
"Between two evils...I'll pick the one I haven't tried yet"
"I generally avoid temptation-unless I can't resist it"
"It's NOT the men in my life that counts-It's the life in my men"
"He's the kind of man a woman would have to marry to get rid of"
"I only like 2 kinds of men-Domestic and foreign!"
....This is MY personal Favorite...."I used to be Snow White, but I drifted!"
Mr. Knowital grows weary....Shalom!!