Hi everybody....I'm sure you all know by now that the G-Man LOVES his Harley! I owned a Motorcycle before I owned a car, but that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm a Biker! Just to clear up any confusion about the term "Biker", here are a few guidelines that may clear up the subject...
*Your wife has asked you to move your bike so she can see the TV.
*Your best friends are named after reptiles!
*You own more black T-Shirts than underwear.
*Taking your wife on a cruise means going to Bike Nite.
*Sturgis is your dream vacation.
*You ever quit a job to go to Sturgis.
*You only took a job to pay for the trip to Sturgis.
*Your only 3-Piece suit is a leather jacket, leather vest, and chaps.
*Your "ole lady" can only eat a hot dog if it's suspended from a string above your bike.
*You buy any newborn, Harley-Jammies
*You can identify any bug by it's taste.
*You think Black and Orange would make great house colors.
*You think God invented Winter just so you can have your bike painted.
*People know your a biker even though you don't want them to.
*One of your children or pets have either Harley or Davidson in their name.
*People have nearly died of starvation looking at your Bike Trip Pics.
*Over half of the pics that you take have your bike in it.
*You don't go one single day without wearing SOMETHING that says Harley-Davidson.
*The weather is too bad for riding, so you start your bike up and sit on it in the garage.
*You see no use in going to a bar without bikes parked out front.
*You get hit by a car, break your leg, then tell the cop.."I'm OK, I can ride home".
*You stare longer at the pictures of the bikes in "EASYRIDERS", than you do the naked chicks !
Whew, I got blisters on my fingers...More next week!