Mr. Knowitall is not fielding any questions
this evening, instead I'll share some of my VAST
Knowledge with those that want to learn!!
(Some facts may or may not be totally true)
* The name Adolph translated into English is Arnold.
* The very first Tarzan portrayed on film was Elmo Lincoln
* The very first James Bond portrayal was by Barry Nelson.
* Traditional Polish delicacy 'City Chicken' is actually Pigeon
* Snapping Turtle testicles was used as currency by the Mohawks
* Mohawk testicles was used as currency by the Potawatamee.
* Hard Salami is NOT cooked, the salt cures it till done.
* The very first sofa was designed by Felix Davenport.
* The very first Refridgerator was invented by Bert Kelvenator
* The very first sex toy was invented by the Greek Playwrite Dildo
* The dog breed with the most reported bites annualy? Dachshund
* The dog breed with the SECOND most reported bites? Chihuahua!
* The Oldest American car brand is Buick!
* The Arc of the Covenant is kept in an Amish barn in Goshen Indiana
* The Kama Sutra was written by a Hindu Holy Man with Spina Bifida.
Whew.....Thats enough facts for you all tonight.
Mr. Knowitall grows weary....Peace!!!