Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mad As Hell Monday....

OK... I'm starting a new Feature.
Whats the LOWEST gas price that you have seen TODAY?
The Kroger by my house had regular No Lead for $3.89 gal
And I get .03 cents off with my Kroger Card so it was
$3.86 a gallon!!
Your Turn.....


Brian Miller said...

$3.59 with a 30 cent rebate for using your mastercard at the shell...

lime said...


G-Man said...

Thats like Twilight Zone prices!

(Or last month...hehehehe)

Me said...

We use a different language. Not sure how mine lines up, but WTH...

$1.334 a litre at the Amco full-serve. Don't know how, but they're always 2 cents cheaper than the self-serve "big guys", and I don't even have to get out of my car...

Yikes. I just looked it up and 1 gal = 3.785 litres. So that puts things in perspective, huh?

Akelamalu said...

Petrol here is £6 a gallon, that's $9.60!!!

the walking man said...

1 gallon = 3.7 liters at that price you pay $4.95

Galen you get .3 if you have no reward points on your card...for every 100 points you get .10 cents some shell stations will use your Krogers card and take a dime off as well.

Saw 3.87 in ghetto gas yesterday. You get a few cents for hazardous climate in the rougher parts of town. I-94 ans 7 mile is selling reg cash for $4.29 hahahahaaha I'll go to ghetto gas. said...

$3.89 last night.

Nessa said...

I couldn't see all of the gas station prices this morning because we had very thick fog but of those i could see here in my part of NJ they were in the order of their appearance: $3.79, $3.75 and $3.69. I didn't get the prices for WAWA or SAM's. They are usually a bit cheaper.

Diane said...

My gas here in NY is already over $4.00 so I can't show you anything low.... :O)

PBJdreamer said...


Loved all the cartoons.

Kansas City does not have reliable or widespread public transit either

that is all

TALON said...

Ours was up to $1.35 on Saturday, but dropped to $1.29 yesterday. Ick. Ick. Ick. It's well over $4.50 a US gallon.

Yvonne Osborne said...

It's still under $4. That's all I know. Cheaper than most places in the world. Not as bad as paying $2 for 16oz of water. Actually, in vending machines it's more than that. How stupid are we Americans? We've been spoiled by cheap gas prices here in the U.S. for a long time. Look on the bright side....higher prices is the only thing that will entice Americans to change their car buying/driving habits.

Monkey Man said...

$3.85 less 10 cents for a Fred Meyer Rewards number (Kroger affiliate here on the west coast.)

Maude Lynn said...


PattiKen said...

$3.85. I try not to think about it... It seems clear what the issue is, given that there is no shortage in the Middle East.

Harvee44 said...

Kroger gives only 3 cents off with the card?? Why bother????

hedgewitch said...

I paid $3.57 at Sam's last week--a nickel off with the club card.

hope said...

$3.69 today.

Commuting is tough but after almost 24 years, finding another job is tougher!

Christine said...

1.29 a litre, it was 1.229 before Easter and they start to really jack the prices in the Summer. So it should be 1.45 by July. Not sure what that is in gallons, we converted over to metric in 1978. I think?