Legend has it...
If a Mortal sheds the blood of a Loup Garou.
The beast reverts to it's human form,
and must reveal it's secret!
The Mortal then becomes a Loup Garou for 101 days.
If the encounter is mentioned aloud,
they are cursed FOREVER!!
Loup Garou changes at will,
unrestricted by the Lunar Cycle...
(Loo Gair-Roo)...Bayou Folklore.
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!
So from the most Howling Host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Lesson #1: don't be bitin' on dem wolfies! Great tale from the bayou, G.
Brian’s fifty-five sizzlin’ words are right here.
… and mine is up, here.
And thanks, G-Man. You set the bar really damn high when it comes to visiting each and every one who participates here and sharing a personal, thoughtful comment on their post. It makes Friday 55 the absolute best meme around, as far as I’m concerned.
Glad to be here!
Ooh, the art looks like something out of a D&D creature manual -- nice. And I like any folklore. I want to hear more from the Bayou.
I'm playing this week! You can find mine here.
Happy Weekend, G!
Bayou Folklore—first time for me reading any. Very cool 55. And thanks also for hosting, G. I'm in.
Call Her Nike
So, how many days ya got left on the 101, G-Man? Wait. We must not talk of this.
I was never here.
Mine will be up early Friday morninghere.
Where is the wolf in that story? Regardless, sounds like a Bayou badass.
My 55 is HERE.
Are you sure this is fiction? ;)
Wishing you beautiful weather this weekend. Have you been out golfing yet???
thanks Ti...late break from kissing the dummy...err...i am in CPR class...
no i know a few g...actually saw a couple in that new moon movie and that makes it real so...smiles.
Brian, we don't say "kissing the dummy" and "Ti" in the same sentence.
It just ain't right, man.
Ti is back to her old tricks of being first.
I know to stay clear of those beasties 101 days out of the week or was that year?
- nice folklore G.
man of stone
I could make a whole book out of something like this.
Mine is up
So scary! Those myths have a way of being real. My human has a 55 here. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2011/04/14/eyes-2/
Sorry...my 55 is "Girl on a String" not "Burning Words" and I've got no idea how to permalink to the comment box!
I love folklores! I will definitely check it out. Thanks to you!
Here is mine:
I've made a few wolves bleed in my time, but they never seemed to change form,just ran off whistling and howling after someone else.
I'll be up tomorrow, my furry phantasmic friend--thanks for running this pop stand every week.
Bayou Folklore... I bet there's some pretty good drinks passed around that campfire!
Here's my "shitty" 55 :)
My 55
Love Loup Garou! Great tale! Thanks for hosting the games every week. I always have great time!
Domestic Disturbance
Awww...let's try that again, logged in under the right identity...
Hope you aren't speaking from experience, G. I'd hate to think you might be eternally cursed. Must be damn hard typing 55's with paws... ;)
So I’m up. I’ve had bad luck with the hyperlinks as of late, but let’s give it a try. If all goes well, you will find mine HERE
NOW I know what's wrong with some of the folks who've had me pulling my hair. So, the Loup Garou -- what's the cure for getting its curse to last less than 101 days?
Tough post for me.
Mr. Know-It-All has tasked me
For 55 words exactly
A sprint of sort
My words contort
Write whatever I see
My muse however has left me
A fickle friend you must agree
No address was left
Leaving me bereft
This is my insanity plea
My words though they are awkward
Will simply have to do
My evil muse is a $&*@(.
Note to self: Never move to the bayou.
Unless I'm feeling bitchy.
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
Ohhhh...secrets! Now I'm dying of curiosity...what sort of secret does a Loup Garou carry? Yeah, if I get near one, I'm totally gonna end up one :)
Awesome 55, Galen!
My 55: Broken Calm
Moral of the story: Be careful not to shed the opponent's blood in a fight.
So much for my dream of being in a real fight some day!
Happy weekend to you to G-man.
Here's mine: rescue
I learn so much coming here. Nice piece of folk lore here G. Happy Flash Friday. Got a 55 for you this week.
Shiver me timbers, G-Man! You're in a creepy mode today.
I'm up and at 'em this week.
The Dam Broke
Oh that's cool. I love to hear about folklore from other cultures.
I'm up here.
Wow what a tale! I liked that legend. Great 55.
I am trying to get a better link to mine this week:
Click here
Thanks, G-Man for the game.
Oh, I like werewolves. Nice one.
You'll find mine here.
aaahaa! whatever happens to the beast.. does he remain as mortal and dies or changes back after 101 days.. oh no, I won't say that aloud.. ignore I ever said a word!
Hugs xx
Here's my 55
...and that is the story about how woman became saddled with PMS. Now don't tick her off. :P
I'm playing again this week but it won't go live till the mornin'. I did a much lighter non-political one this time. :)
hmm..may consider if one of their secrets involves what I did with my w2s...needless to say, my 55 is done...
music inspired, of course... As always, fabulous hosting and postin, G-Man ~ you rock!
Hey G-Man ... sorry I haven't been by in while, I've been burning the candle at both ends but I'm back. I have written a 55 today. Your 55 is way cool! The stuff great horror movies are made of! Werewolves, transformation, lunar cycles & curses ... Creepy!! Have a great weekend Gman!!!
Following G-man's supernatural theme, sort of but not really, my witchy 55 is up:
Casting the Runes
Fantasy...love it, G-Man.
Loup Garou? Didn't he used to play for the Tigers? Sweet Loup?
My 55 is about my TYPING
Ah ,what a transformation !
I have my 55 here PHOTO
I don't want to curse you-know-who so I won't speak of it.
Here's my 55 for you! Thanks!
interesting like all folklore!
check out the judgement at http://instantwords.blogspot.com/2011/04/judgement.html
mac rebennack approves of your 55
Peace, hp
oops...my 55
So that's what happened . . .
That sounded Cajun to me! Interesting tale. Mine is late but can be found HERE
Okay, I swear I write mine first, then come visit you. So how come we're in "old time tales" mode this week?
Have a great weekend!
Garou: that's a damn cool word. My 55 is up. Enjoy!
I love hearing folklore! Great post. My 55 is up!
Here you go ...
Hope this works ...
Scary folklore G! :0
I echo what Titanium said about you visiting all participants of FF - you do a great job hon and it's appreciated. x
This makes me want some Gumbo...:D
I should be up before the full moon. Lupie Lulda howls again!
I've taken some time to read these Flash 55's ... looks like we were both captured by the French!!! Yours may be more frightening than mine.
I think I've been close to one of those critters in a drunken haze but I've never shed their blood!
Mine is at:
Love this one G-man -- you are the "muse"
I played -- it is still Friday here in the Pacific North West, and only lunch time,,, LIVE DREAM LOVE
Hey, I tink I dated ole Loo back in da day, me.
It's still Friday, and I'm in!
Your Invite
Oops, forgot the link, here.
Love the subject, enjoyed the read. Thanks for the smile.
Here's mine.
Somehow when you pronounce it the French way, it sounds like a little old man.
Hey, G--I'm back. You haven't changed a bit!
Don't worry, that's a compliment.
Enjoyed yours, I forget to link yesterday, is it all right to do it now? Mine Flash 55
interesting bit of folklore there. i never heard of the loup garou before.
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