Hi Everybody, I hope you all had a swell Week-End!
Last Friday night, my buddy Alex and I visited our good friend and fraternity brother Dave. Dave lives in a suberb of Flint about 6 miles from here called Flushing.
As you may or may not know, I frequent a small neighborhood dive named "Down the Hatch".
Now I usually drink diet cola when I go out, but once in a while I'll down a few brews. A pitcher of beer at our pub cost 2.25 for a large. In Flushing we visited 2 different places; Duffy's Tavern, and Skips. At Duffy's I ordered a large pitcher of Killian's Red. It was a 48 oz pitcher, and it cost $5.50. After quaffing a couple, we walked up to Skips. There we downed 2 pitchers of Labatt's Blue...At $8.25 a FRICKIN PITCHER!!!!...Maybe thats why I drink diet cola for a Buck, with free refills!
Anyway, beer is OK, but for some people beer is the Elixer of Life!! A gift from God! Liquid Tranquility!!....Better than Women!!....BETTER THAN WOMEN???????
Yes, thats right, some people think that beer is Better Than Women.
Now although it is a well-known fact that I prefer Redheads to Killian Red, there are indeed some valid arguments to the women conundrum. So, just to be fair and to show a Yin to my Yang, I respectfully submit these reasons why....
1. You can enjoy a beer all month long.
2. When your beer goes flat, you dump it.
3. Hangovers always go away.
4. A beer label comes off without a fight.
5. Beer is never late.
6. Beer doesn't get jealous when you grab another beer.
7. When you go to a bar, you know you can always pick up another beer.
8. Beer never gets a headache.
9. A beer won't get upset if you come home and have another beer.
10. After you've had a beer, the bottle is still worth 10 cents.
11. If you pour a beer right, you'll always get good head.
12. A beer always goes down easy.
13. You can have more than one beer a night and not feel guilty.
14. You can share a beer with friends.
15. You can have a beer in public.
16. Beer doesn't demand equality.
17. Beer is ALWAYS wet.
18. A frigid beer is a good beer.
19. You don't have to wash a beer for it to taste good.
20. When you get rid of a beer, you do not have to pay it alimony!
Of course these are the views of some people, certainly NOT The G-Man!!!