Since 1890 this timeless remedy has helped sooth chapped and chafed skin.
Generations of Americans continue to rely on Cloverine. Protects and helps relieve windburn and dry, itchy areas. Softens roughness without any harmful ingredients.
This tin is probably from the 60's. (of course).
I've seen just the tins on E-Bay for 9 Bucks.
I've never heard of Cloverine. I wonder if it's similar to Burt's Bees products? I think I need some horse liniment myself. I have this muscle ache that will NOT go away.
i never heard of it either. is it a regional thing?
This is one I don't remember. And I thought I heard of many! My Granny had almost ever remedy you can imagine. Do you remember bluing? How about clove gum? Do you remember lamb's wool salve? How about peragoric? (sp?) Gee, I must REALLY be getting old.
very cool stuff, do you ever run across any "Billy Beer"? My dad had some saved that my older brother stole and drank and got so sick. Daddy said it was the worst tasting beer in the world and yet it is a collector's item.
I've never heard of that one. Sounds a lot like "Bag Balm".
I could see myself going town to town in a Conestoga wagon filled to the brim with Cloverine. Of course I'd have to add laudanum to make it sell better.
one thing, many cures... that's the way it worked.
I've never seen this either...but, it sure would be good for us massage therapists to keep our hands really soft! :P
funny. thanks for sharing something so cool.
is there anyone thing you collect or is a collection of things from a certain era.. or are you just a collector of cool and interesting stuff?
I've never heard of Cloverine but if you can still get it, it must be good! :)
OMG! This is so weird, my mom and I had a talk about this salve just the other day, we were laughing because my grandfather could never remember the name of it so he called it something else which now I can't remember what that was..lol.
You have the coolest stuff Galen. Have a beautiful day! :)
I think I have visited you all today. (those that have posted)
Thanks for visiting!
Pearl, your text is gone..
To you know who...POTLICKER!
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