A Mr. James Morrisson of Paris France asks......
"Dear Mr. Knowitall...I've heard that Paul McCartney is DEAD! Can this be true? And can you shed a little light on this old rumor"?
Dear Jim...Of Course I Can!!
I remember this incident very well back when it originally started in 1969. I was a sophomore in college. FM-Stereo was just a fledgling technology at the time, and a couple of Detroit stations were going to air programs discussing the "Paul is Dead" controversy. The key was to get out all the Beatles Albums you had, and have a turntable that you could play the records backwards with. And let me tell you this, I'm merely scratching the surface of all of the clues regarding Paul's death.
* First pic, cover of Abbey Road. Obviously a funeral procession. John is the preacher, Ringo the pall bearer, Paul the corpse (you are not buried with shoes), and George the grave digger. If you could blow up the license plate of the parked VW 'Beatle' on the street, it says 28IF. (Paul would have been 28 IF he were alive)!!
*2nd pic...Magical Mystery Tour. Notice the outstretched arms of The Walrus, as in crucifiction? One of the lyrics of a later song named "Glass Onion" states..'Here's another clue for you all, The Walrus was Paul'. Up to that point, everyone assumed it was John!!! Plus read the name plate of the military man that Paul is dressed as in that Album..I WAS!!!!
*3rd pic..Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Everyone is obviously standing overlooking a Funeral Bier. A very ominous hand is placed over Pauls head. On the Bier is an array of flowers shaped like a Left Handed guitar...Paul was a Lefty! A patch on Paul's arm reads OPD. Officially Pronounced Dead!!!
There are overt clues as well in the lyrics...
*As I said before in the song 'Glass Onion' The walrus is a symbol of death, and a Glass Onion is a coffin with a clear top.
*Eleanor Rigby.." Father McKenzie, wiping the the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave". The original verse was supposed top be Father McCartney...hehehe
* "Strawberry Fields Forever"..At the end end of the song there is a line of mumbling that sounds like...'I Buried Paul'. John always claimed that he said..'I'm very bored'..
* the song..'A Day In The Life'...."he blew his mind out in a car, he didn't notice that the light had changed, a group of people gathered stood and stared....
* 'You Know My Name"...After the cuckoo clock chimes 5 times, a phone number is read off, if you were to call the number a voice says..'Beware of Abbey Road".
Backward Clues...
*Blue Jay Way'...Played backwards...'Paul is Bloody'.
*Revolution #9...When the words..number 9, number 9, number 9, is played backwards... 'Turn me On Dead Man'..Turn me on dead man, turn me on dead man.!!!
*I'm so tired...When the mumbling at the end is reversed, it says..."Paul is dead, miss him miss him miss him!"
*"I Am The Walrus'...When the ending is played backwards, it says..'Ha Ha Paul is Dead'!
Wow!!!! That brought back some memories!!
Good question Jim!!
You can draw your own conclusions, or you can read this...
here! All this remembering has made Mr. Knowitall weary!
I bid you Adieu...