Hi everybody....
I 'm going to be repeating some common knowledge for seasoned veteran bloggers tonight, so please bear with me. Last week someone asked me what Thursday Portrait was all about. Actually it's a "Spin-Off" of a Thursday Theme called HNT..Half Naked Thursday. It was started by a fellow in Montana named OZ. Every Thursday you posted a pic of yourself baring some skin. Now this didn't necessarily mean 'Naked' unmentionable body parts. But you know how some people are, and they got a little carried away. You'd have everyday house wives getting naked on Thursdays and posting the pics for all to see. Including family members and PTA, and Church...yada yada yada. So a couple of years back, Susie, Lime, and a few other's decided to hone it down a bit, and just post a personal pic in our everyday life mode, and call it Thursday Portrait. Of course me being the Blog Whore for my Friday Funfest that I am, I think it's great fun to incorporate an 'Overtly Subliminal' reminder to my minions, about Friday Flash 55! So each week on Thursday, you'll see a pic of my ugly mug, and a reference to 55.....
Yesterday I sold a couple a Silverado Pick/Up, you'll never guess how much it cost to fill it up for delivery.
So now you have...The Rest Of The Story!!
See you on Friday.....Peace...!!!
Well I'll be damned. I didn't know that. But now this leads me to another question...why is is posted on Wednesday if it's Thursday Portrait? hmmm LOL. Mines ready to go. See ya Friday. Oh and I think Yathzee
Crap I think it should be Yahtzee
So now us "newbies" know the history for the Thursday Portrait.
And what about the 55? Just today, as I played around with my 55 for the week, I was wondering how that all started...
Oh, and Yahtzee. What's up with that?
Geez, I am full of questions today, aren't I? See you tomorrow, g-man!! :)
Love the shades, cool daddy-o!
So there's the history! Neat to know.
I had to put my Friday Flash 55 up tonight on WEDNESDAY. Sorry bout that. Having to go to SW Oklahoma and check on Mama. Having more and more difficulty, I fear. Had to rework an old 55er but hope all will enjoy it anyway. D
so that is Thursday Potrait.. Gooe Info.. See you tomo with a special 55 especially for g-man to enjoy...
Do stop by Few Miles: Save a Heart Initiative..
Yours Frendly,
Saravana Kumar M
You don't look very happy in your Wed. portrait. Is it the price of gas?:)
I can just see you standing at the gas pump with your camera phone, checking yourself out. [Nope too high, Oh, too low, Ahh, just right and I got the 55 in there too.] Well, thank God you got out of the office and did not have to shoot your portrait in the men's room this week. LOL!
so it has to be thursday to post naked pictures...i never knew that..smiles.
see you tomorrow and i am covering for monkey as well...as he is on vacay this week...
you just crack me up every week with whatever way you find to get 55 in to it. love the twist you put on the portraits.
And, now you know how this every day housewife spends her Thursdays . . .
heh heh
Aloha from Honolulu :)
Comfort Spiral
I am disappointed that I missed out on naked Thursday...what? It's art!
Fuck it! We're paying nearly R8 for a liter of petrol here in SA. Its cripplin sometimes.
You know, I never made the mental connection between Flash Friday, but now I'm remembering that phenomenon from a few years back.
Radio shock-jock Tom Leykis encouraged men to drive their cars with their headlights on (on Fridays) and women would flash their boobs when then saw the headlights were on.
(I don't know how well that caught on here in Michigan)
Sounds like Half-Naked Thursday was in a similar vein, only online.
Must have missed the gas station at 13 & Harper selling regular for 2.49.9 cash. But then what's money to a guy who just sold two Silverados.
And uhh thank you for the no skin thing.
Thanks for the explanation G-man.
I love the way you always look surprised that there's a 55 somewhere in the background on your Thursday portrait! LOL
I think my tank must be bigger than those! & mayhap gas is more- but I try and use my silver coin from Big Y Supermarket to get 5 cents off!
I'm admitting I didn't know the history of the "Thursday Portrait". I definitely like the new format better.
Love the fact that you put in a plug for your Friday 55 each Thursday. Now I know the history.
U R Making Improvement Recently.
Happy Thursday!
Your fill up cost is making me rethink of writing a 55ve!
Dang! You ARE a good salesman!
Wow, filling up a car upon the sale. Nice concept! :)
Tonight, tonight
won't be just any 55 night.
Tonight there will be singing.....
deerist my gee-man, i see my jannie alreddy put up she new baner for she big partee tonite feechering yoo 55.
now, as werking manajir of my jannie blogg i must go see what tiem zones is misshagin.
off i goes.
wit loves,
whops, i see i loged in wit my jannies akkount on that. see how bizzie is iz?
i all messing up.
hmmm...there was a lot of new information in your post--to me anyway.
you do a Friday Flash 55?? what is that? ...
chuckle, chuckle....
who luvs ya G-Man????
chuckle, chuckle,
:) I can imagine how that got out of hand...
We love seeing your mug. Now get to work on your 55, it's already Friday in NZ. Oh wait, perhaps I should work on my own 55 before I start nagging you :)
kool what a way o express flash friday i think.
I'm posted also just follow the link below. Jennifer
I remember good ole HNT from a few years ago! I just wanted to let you know that I've taken the plunge and tried my hand at the 55 flash fiction thing-a-ma-job!
Kool idea!
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