Thursday, August 12, 2010

Friday Flash 55.....


It was a quiet moon-less night, in a city that keeps it's secrets.
The occasional honk.
The haunting wail of a distant siren.
There's not much intelligent conversation at 3:00 AM.
After four years of pounding the pavement.....
Abby smiled at the thought of 'entertaining' her last stranger.
Tomorrow she flies home to Iowa.

If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast....
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!

PS. Rudy, I can read your post but NOT Comment!
Claudia, My work PC blows me off-line on your Blog!
I'll comment in the evening from home...:-)


The Thirteenth Crossing said...

Very nice! Love the feeling!

55 Flash Fiction Friday: The Doppelganger

moondustwriter said...

55 words to say...

The Thirteenth Crossing said...

Yahtzee!!! My heart was pounding harder than her feet on the pavement to be first! YAY

55 Flash Fiction Friday: The Doppelganger

Brian Miller said...

wow. this one is a bit different for you g! big smiles! nice 55.

mine is up!

Monkey Man said...

Great work with the photo and 55, G. My 55 is HERE .

moondustwriter said...

by seconds...

She was sad because it was a moon-less night
who wouldn't be

Thanks G for doing this 55 thing every week for us to enjoy

Moon Smiles

Anonymous said...

Three cheers for the Ladiea of the Evening. Mine is up HERE. Have a great weekend :)

Stan Ski said...

Four years and just one stranger left? she's been busy...

Buzzard said...

I liked it very much!

My is here After dinner thoughts

Unknown said...

This was poignant. Why is she turning tricks?

Mine is HERE

Mona said...

I am just glad that she is going home!

Galen My Beast Fable 55ve is up here

Mona said...


Jannie Funster said...

So many secrets in so many lives. She goes home to The Bridges Of Madison County perhaps?

Mine's up too. Next need to learn to do that fancy automatic link every one does.



KB said...

She looks like she's been pounding the pavement for 40 years not 4! Nicely done G. Have a great weekend.

Mine’s here.

Mojo said...

Was that Abby down in the Thursday portrait poast? Hubba hubba!

Last week was kind of a weird one. Which is how I missed posting this gem then. Come to think of it, I damn near missed it again!

Vodka Logic said...

I like it... thoughtful

Mine is up...

magiceye said...

a touch of melancholy.. beautiful!

i thank life in 55 words here

Maha said...

i agree with brian, that's a bit different from your other stuff which proves you are a great writer being able to shift between styles eloquently
Mine is up!

Anonymous said...

You've managed to invest an enormous amount into this. Nice piece. Well done.

All the best, Boonsong

Serena said...

The picture couldn't be more perfect for this piece. Good job!

Janna said...

Neither rain, nor shine, nor hideously oppressive heat wave can keep you from posting your 55! :)

Mine's posted right here.

Now I can go melt in a puddle somewhere as I patiently wait for winter.

Me said...

Oooh, I like this one, g! The best 55s always leave me wanting more...

Mine is HERE

lime said...

I hope things go well for abby from here on out. sounds like she's had a tough time.

i'm up with three, yes THREE 55s. ;)

One Prayer Girl said...

Dragnet? Is that the memory hitting me with your opening line?

Well, I always liked the beginning of that show and this reminds me of that.
I liked your 55 despite the nature of her four year career.

My 55 is up.


steveroni said...

Is Abby incognito? Isn't she really Dorothy, heading back to Kansas?
You always are a treat, Mr G, even at YOUR age!

Oh! I meant "threat"--

Anyway, yesss I tried one more time, and it is HERE

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

the last line hits home...
masterful 55.

Cheryl said...

This was absolutely enchanting. I take it you're not always so introspective?

My first attempt is here. Be kind.

Yvonne Osborne said...

Nice feel to this one, Galen. I like it. No, not much intelligent conversation at 3 A.M. And I like your blog's new look. My 55 is up.

Anonymous said...

Four years of 'entertaining' she flying home in a coffin? Oh wait, she's smiling. hhmm interesting one G.

I'm going to try and be more consistent and get caught up on replying to comments. Mine will go live at midnight Pacific time as per the old usual. ;-)

Dianne said...

HAKAWE, Gman, I'm hoofin it this weekend.
catch you next week.
Fab Di

S said...

Guess what?
are you sittin down?
I played!

Woo hoo!
Jes' like the old times.

swputh said...

Mine is here.

The woman has a sad expression and 'i don't care' air in her face... You wrote that brilliantly.
Like that

Anonymous said...

Is she going home? It would be a rough transition back to a normal life.

Mine is here

Claudia said...

seems like a good time for her to leave...
Mine is up as well

MorningAJ said...

That's excellent. I wonder what she's going to do now?
Cool story.

Mine's up here

Unknown said...

Good for Abby, you go girl!

Mine's up Galen:

Thanks for the fun, have a great weekend.

anthonynorth said...

A feeling of completion - at last - in this. Nice one.

You'll find mine here.

mrsnesbitt said...

Poignant! The photo was very 50's style! We had a lot of such pictures in our family album.

Yes mine is up, be it a different style than normal!

RNSANE said...

I hope she made a fortune in four years!!!

Mine is at:

A Daft Scots Lass said...

I love the anticipation in this one. Great stuff! Mines up too.

Bubba said...

(I don't think I'll check out the 55's just above me there)

Here's mine: Haiku 55

I'l be up north camping. Have a great weekend all!

John (@bookdreamer) said...

You've had a make over.( Blog that is) Nice story about an..."undercover cop" I'll tell my maiden aunt. To hear or read my non-PC illustrated Friday 55 click here. Warning you may have to read the footnote after to make sense of it.

Nessa said...

I like the new look. Very classy. Did I miss it yesterday?

I hope her last stranger is not a serial killer. Mickey Spillane has nothing on you. Love it.

Shopping Is Dangerous

Austin said...

This was so good G-man, reminds me of what we are doing at in Thailand. Sorry that was shameless but it is what I thought of.

Austin said...

Anyways, my 55 is up here called "Too Long - 55"

Thanks g-man

joanna said...

Sweet G-Man, now it will take me all week to edit down to 55 words --- I tried really I did,


Akelamalu said...

I'm glad she's going home. :)

sage said...

Listening to Garrison Keillor, eh? Where did he steal that lie about a city that keeps it's secrets. Came over from Brian's blog to figure out this 55 thing...

Scott M. Frey said...

I could almost hear the Mike Hammer music!

My 55'er is done!

Jinksy said...

A variation on a theme is available HERE

the walking man said...

i swear she was not waiting on me at 0330. I was on the porch smoking.

drybottomgirl said...

G-man this was so good. You captured the moment and the untold story so well. And I like a happy ending. Mine is up, and have a sweet weekend!

Doctor FTSE said...

Soppy poem of 55 soppy words HERE

izzy said...

Yes, cities at night...
she looks like a reporter to me-
I like your twist !

Katherine said...

very nice g-Man ... have a wicked good weekend. :)
Mine is up!!! Cheers Kath

hope said...

Well done...I think I love the look but the work computer is so slow I'll have to look again when I get home. :)

Mine's up.

clean and crazy said...

nice 55, i can only imagine what pounding means in this story!! i got one up, late but it is there!!

Pratibha said...

I loved the new look .. and the story .. thats just superb :) full of dreams !

Pratibha said...

Oh, i forgot to link my post :

PS : i have a request G-Man ! can you please allow open ID comment option .. everytime i have to switch gmail accounts to comment here !

Donnetta said...

Morning, Galen: That was a thoughtful one. I enjoyed it.

Don't forget. My 55er was up early. Glad you liked it. D

Colonialist said...

I have a second 55 up today - the first was a few weeks ago. However, they are in WordPress -
I have repeated them on Letterdash, and others have picked it up there - but not the Friday format.

I include the heading/title in my 55 because it is part of the total meaning that comes across.

Now I'll try and put the latest on my Blogger site, too.

Anonymous said...

Hey G-man, Brilliant setting of the mood and I love the tone. The image fits perfectly. It feels like the set up for a detective mystery.

Mine's up. Size Matters

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

Good Morning, G-man:

I posted mine...
a special award for U and Your 55 team...

Everyone is welcome to visit and claim the award....

Happy Friday!
U Rock!

Shrinky said...

Very atmospeheric, I could hear her footfalls echo.

Jessie said...

i could hear the deep voice of a man narrating this...until the last line.

have a kick-ass weekend G!

warm smiles,

Maude Lynn said...

This is excellent, G-Man!

Mine is up!

ruth said...

Home at last... what a relief! Love your 55.

Here's mine.

PattiKen said...

I really like this, Galen. It's a different sort of 55 for you.

I'm not in this week. All I can see with my mind's eye is a blank wall. Gah.

G-Man said...

Hi Everybody...
G-Man is gonna stop for a Cold Brewski after work, I promise to answer the remaining 10 players tonight...
You Guys Rocked it out Today!!!

Brian Miller said...

enjoy that cold one G-man!

Millie said...

Awesome! But why is it always Iowa???

Mine is posted.

sheila said...

For some reason that reminded me of Marilyn Monroe. Weird, I know.

Anyhow, I'm late. But I'm finally up, lol.

Unknown said...

Oohhh... At last she will be free!!!
Nicely put, G!!! Run away, girl....flyyyy...

Here is mine...just in time ;-)

Jinksy said...

G-man, I'm here to pay my ten shilling fine, but not sure how I might count them into your eager palm! They won't go through the computer screen!! LOL :) Sorry for breaking them, but what are rules for m'dear?!!

katrin said...

Hi Galen, i am too late for flash 55, but i like yours very much.
When she comes home in Iowa, does she feels her hand wanting to reach for that smoke? I do:) i stillll do, but hey i won't i am home and it is good. Thanks