Ask Mr. Knowitall is taking a week off, he will see you next Tuesday.
Remember on Sunday when I said that I felt like I'd been Gut-Shot?
Well After today, it felt like Both Barrels!
Here's the string of events...
A very good friend of mine is having some health issues, the attitude is good, but I know that they are very concerned. I'd like to be more help, but this person is very independant. Business lately has been a struggle as well. I've lived through this before. But still, the confidence takes a licking, and the bills still are ticking.
The worst of it all is...Last Thursday my beloved Sister-In-Law Vicky lost a courageous battle with lung cancer. She was a Peach of a Lady, totally loved and devoted to my Bro-In-Law Joe, and the funeral was Today! She lived right next door, and was very close to my children.
Then The Other Barrel....
Today Our lovely Mona,.
E-Mailed me with the terrible news that fellow Michigan Blogger BUFFALODICK aka. Uncle Buff, had passed away. I visited his web site, and sure enough there was the sad news of his death posted by his son. Buff was a wonderful Blogger Friend, very funny, witty...And was one of the Best Cooks you'll EVER come across. 99% of his posts were praising the glory of cooking. Buff believed in EXACTLY the same school of thought as me. If you can't paint, if you can't write poetry, you Can Show your love by making sure that your friends and family are sitting down to the best tasting, and best looking food available anywhere! He Loved competing in Food Cook-Offs, and did quite well. He was an avid U of M football fan like myself, and he absolutely set me straight on more than one occasion. He was opinionated, but a very gracious man...I Miss him already.
So there you have it....Not a good week!
But as The US Government said to the Cherokee Nation ...
Endeavor to Persevere!
Pax Vobiscum...!!!
(Ask Mr. Knowitall is my TMI Tuesday feature, G-Man is NOT taking a week off from Blogging. Be sure to join me this week for Retro-Wednesday, Thursday Portrait, Friday Flash 55)