The tiny Crustacean Appraiser's eye nearly popped out of his head when he finally got close enough to read the name on the cup and saucer..MEAKEN!! It's a MEAKEN!!
Hi Everybody...
I had such a swell time at Susan at Stony River's place last week, that I decided to try my hand at another Micro-Fiction Monday. As always, forgive my lack of hyperlinking technology in spite of Eric..AKA Bubba sending me the info to learn.
Thank You for your cooperation!
Oh, excellent! A Lobster Appraiser -- I love how you explained the eye-pop and laughed out loud.
Thank you for playing Galen! I always love what you can do with a character!
(I Linkyed you, btw -- never a bother when it's you)
what's a linky? I'll ask Susan.
that is who sells your stuff, a lobster?
Just the appraiser that I need, Galen! What a hoot! And you had me laughing out loud, too! Have a great week!
He oughta be on Antiques Road Show!
Oh a Bargain Hunt fan....I've gone for psychosculpture this week in my story
O this is so delightful! I was going to mention the Antiques Road Show but someone else thought of that too! A great little story!
haha. nicely played g-man!
A Meaken . . . and they put FLOWERS in it? AAUUUGGH!!
Now I have to go google Meaken! Well done!
If they'd known what it was he might not be able to buy it cheap though!
Nice take on this week's pic.
Oh you really have got the hang of this G-man and I love what you did with the pic this week. :)
Nice one, G-man! :-)
so the Meaken is famous in the land of little mermaid too?
Great microfiction
You are so warped, G-Man! I love it!
Yes, love the pop-eyes! good one !
A appraiser for Meaken. I have been trying to find someone to appraise my MEAKEN. The little appraiser is so small, I wonder if he'll be able to get past the cats.
I saw the lobsters eyes too and couldn't come up with anything.
You are good at this G-Man.
So, this one has an "eye" for the good stuff, huh? Great take.
BTW, links are easier than you think with blogger. let me know if you still need the steps.
A Antique Roadshow Lobster. Genius! I wonder how much the Meaken was worth?
Have a fab week.
Arthropodial Antique Road Show perhaps?
Well, you only had so much to work with...
Looks like Noritake to me. Lobster needs glasses (lol)
My Meakin is the old ironstone - didn't even know they made the bone china. Oh that was later.
Nice micro fiction G
Am I the only one who doesn't know what a Meaken is?
He is doing the eye popping thing quite, well huh? NOW I understand why.
this really brings you to spot light.
my dad was an appraiser, his eye didn't go like that...
It must be worth quite a bit,
Nice Micro, g-man! :)
PS - I have an award for you at my blog.
-Clara ;)
oh man, so clever! i love it. antiques roadshow under the sea.
Love the "tiny Crustaean Appraiser" phrase. Great MM!
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