Tired of Redneck, Hillbilly, Amish, and Polish Bashing?
Hows about this...
You know you are from California when...
*You make over $300,000. a year, and CAN'T afford to buy a house!
*You take a bus, and are SHOCKED that 2 people are conversing in English!
*Your child's 3rd grade teacher has purple hair, a nose ring, and her name is Flower!
*You've been to a baby shower that has two mothers and a sperm donor!
*You can't remember...Is pot illegal?
*You have a very strong opinion about where your coffee beans are grown, and you CAN taste the difference between Ethiopian and Sumatran.
*A really great parking spot can move you to tears!
*Gas costs a 1.00 a gallon more than anywhere else in the U.S.
*Unlike back home, the guy in Starbucks at 8:30 AM, with sunglasses and a baseball cap, that kinda looks like George Clooney...Really IS George Clooney!!
*You can't remember...Is pot still illegal?
*Your car insurance costs as much as your house payment.
*Both you AND your dog have therapists, psychics, personal trainers, and cosmetic surgeons!
*The fastest part of your morning commute is down your driveway!
*You know how to eat an artichoke.
*Your car has bullet proof windows.
*You need a new TV, so you run down to the local riot to pick one up!
*You don't exterminate your roaches...You smoke them!
*Your family tree contains "significant others".
*You pack a T-Shirt and shorts for snow skiing, and a sweater and wet suit for the beach!
*You consult your horoscope before planning your day!
*You know which eatery serves the freshest Arugula!
*Your Governor is The Terminator!!
*HEY!!!!....Is Pot legal